Strip Jessica naked and leave her there.

From Create Your Own Story

Sorry, Jess - it's been fun.

You walk up to the shuddering woman. She looks up expectantly. She thinks you might help. Hah.

You seize her hair and hurl her into the wall. This body's got some serious game. You reach a hand around and tear her blouse open. Buttons scatter across the church floor.

She's looking back at you with fear in her eyes, but your tear her bra off in one motion. You shout into her ear, "Pants!" and she gives you a resigned nod while she sobs.

She removes her slacks and stands shivering before you in her panties, feebly covering her chest.

You glare at her.

When she realizes what your mean, she shakes her head and begins to wail. "No... n-n-no!"

You take a step towards her and she reaches a hand down to her waist. She turns around and begins to slide-

Suddenly, the church door bursts open and a woman with long red hair storms into the sanctuary. She takes in the scene of two women, one clothed and one mostly naked, in the middle of the church... and smiles.

"Found ya!" She's wearing shades, an immaculate haute couture outfit-

-and body armor. What the fuck? In her hand is a massive handgun. She points it at you and fires.

You feel your midsection torn out of you. Jessica is showered with your blood and screams.

You're too stunned to make a sound. Your life is pouring out of your abdomen, but you're transfixed by your attacker.

The redhead strides forward like an avenging angel. "You going to say anything before...?" She wiggles her pistol in your face.

Behind you, Jessica starts to stagger away. You're thinking this redhead is perhaps the greatest ticket to mayhem you have ever seen. Despite your wounds and her threat of immediate death. You smile. She's going to be fun to use.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Tank top woman
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