Streak through the forest

From Create Your Own Story

You bring nothing with you as you travel into nature. The twigs and sticks crack under your feet as you move deep into the forest. You continue walking for several hours and your feet start to hurt a bit. You stop at a small stream to drink some water. It is slightly muddy, but it refreshes you. You wash off in the stream and then continue walking.

Ahead of you, the sound of birds chirping can be heard over your growling stomach. You have not eaten since yesterday morning. In your search for the source of the noise, you find a bird's nest. A mother bird is feeding a worm to three baby birds. You pick up a fallen branch and smash the bird's nest. The mother bird flies away, but the three baby birds are left for you as a reward. You smash their skulls on a rock.

You gather some dry wood and clear a place. The sun is setting and you will need to make a fire. With demonic energy, you quickly spin a stick against a piece of bark. Your hands have the same effect as a bow drill, and soon you have created a small fire. The bird nest is used as kindling to help you get a nice bonfire going.

You use your fire to cook the baby birds and they provide you with much-needed nourishment. The moon is full tonight and it provides some light along with your fire. You lay down and get some rest.

You are awoken a few hours later to the sound of branches cracking. Your fire is almost out so you quickly add some more sticks as fuel.

Once your fire is roaring again you can see what was breaking the branches. About thirty yards in front of you stands a werewolf. You have to do something about it. You can't just go back to sleep with a werewolf near you. It might kill you in your sleep.

If you shift into the werewolf you will be a super-charged werewolf. You will likely be able to maintain your transformation for as long or as short a duration as you want, unlike a normal werewolf that always changes during a full moon. On top of that, your physical attributes will be much higher than any other host you are likely to find.

If you get down on all fours and howl like a wolf, it may want to mate with you. That could be interesting.

If you attack the werewolf... You might win, you might lose. It's a werewolf, not some normal human. One thing is for sure, it will be a tough fight.

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