Stay barricaded inside the bedroom

From Create Your Own Story

You reconsider your earlier thoughts. Until you hear something from Jack or Holly - a cry for help, a signal that everything is okay - you don't feel safe going out there.

"Actually, I think you were right," you tell Annabelle. "I think we should wait for now."

The two of you wait, weapons in your hands, pacing back and forth on the carpeted bedroom floor. Old Joe remains silently unconscious on the bed. The only noises audible from outside are the same low moans. You still can't tell whether they are human or zombie.

Finally, after about twenty minutes, Annabelle stops and stares straight at the door. "I can't take it anymore. I have to see what's going on out there." She begins reaching to drag the cabinet away from the door.

Health 60 Equipment:

Baseball bat

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