Stay as Brandon to watch the chaos

From Create Your Own Story

You quickly take a few steps back and try to look innocent. The mother shoots you a glare as she runs past you. But as soon as she flings open the curtain, she forgets all about you as she is confronted with the sight of her daughter frigging her pussy and stroking her cock.

Hija mía! What is that? How...” She leans down to inspect her daughter's member, touching it gingerly.

You cannot see exactly what she does, as her back is blocking the view, but suddenly a drawn out “yesss” from the daughter alerts you that the mother is touching her in a way that she finds extremely stimulating.

“Yes! No! You can't touch it.” The girl's confusion and shame are obvious.

Mi hija, I didn't want to... to touch. I just had to see how it... por Dios what happened?” The woman's confusion is a delight for your demon heart.

“Mom, don't look at me! Just, mmm, no. Put your hand back. Please!” The girl's words make her mother blush red, realizing that she has been masturbating her daughter. She starts to stand up, but the girl grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back down. Her back is once again blocking your view, but the girl's steady moaning tells all you need to know.

“Mom, yes. Stroke it. You don't have to look, just make me come. Oh please!”

The girl keeps babbling, but her mother frees herself and stands up. For the next several minutes, she tries to reason with the confused and desperately horny dick-girl. Then she tries to forcefully stand her up and dress her, but even the slightest touch simply stimulates her more.

The shop clerk has been looks on with an expression of shock and disdain, occasionally telling the mother and daughter to take their perverted behavior elsewhere, but clearly not knowing what to do.

Then the mall cop shows up.

Do you

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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