Sneak off campus during lunch and skate the sensation away.

From Create Your Own Story

There's a street not to far from your school that was halfway constructed before the company stopped funding it or something. They left a bunch of surfaces to do trick on with your board, plus it was skill fenced off so you had privacy. Rusty nails were a bit of an issue, but after coming here for months you've cleaned up the place and pushed the trash into one corner of the construction site.

But a few minutes of cruising on your board doesn't ease you mind. You're worse off, in fact, once the hot wind starts blowing around your shirt and brushing along your skin. Your phone eventually goes off, reminding you that you have ten minutes to get back to school. You look around for one last thing to do to distract yourself, but there's only old pipes and a few forgotten tools.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skate Board, Backpack and Notebook, Brown Windbreaker, erotic drawing

Status horny and deprived
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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