Skip school and do something else

From Create Your Own Story

You get a coffee and go out to the porch to smoke a morning cigarette.

Lucky! -Last cigarette. You decide to make a quick drive to the shops to get more.

While walking out you wonder about the big package by the door, but you aren't really that sure what it could be.

You are not paying attention to the car ahead of you and collide... !!! You lose 25 health  !!!

The next thing you know you're getting yelled at. WTF man!! "..piece of shit just crashed into a brand new 2010 Ford Mustang!" You think to youself you are gonna have to turn in a lot of soda cans to pay for that.

Do you...

Go back home and...

Status Bar
Health 75 Equipment:


Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Rebel
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