Sit next to the skinny, morose brunette

From Create Your Own Story

You settle yourself next to the brunette. She looks up for an instant and then returns her gaze to her tray.

"Hi," you say.

She grunts.

"I'm Brandon."

Another grunt.

"May I have your name?"

She actually looks up from her tray.


She's clearly not in the mood for conversation. You consume your food. She nibbles at hers.


You're shocked to hear her speak.

"Why what?"

"Why did you talk to me?"

"Because you're pretty."

"I cultivate an unfriendly attitude to dissuade people from speaking to me."

Now it's your turn to ask.


"People don't want to date me when they find out what I'm like."

"What are you like?"

Nancy leans forward and lowers her voice.

"Angry. I hate people. I'll only date people -- either gender is fine -- who let me chain them to a bed, whip them until they're red and raw, and then fuck them in the ass with my 8-inch strap-on." She pauses. "I've only found one, and she moved away 6 months ago when her job transferred her out of state."

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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