Show her what Timmy and Heather are doing on the hidden camera.

From Create Your Own Story

Instinctively you look away as your mother attempts to have a heart to heart with you “Jakey, I know things are awkward for you right now. You’re at that age when things can be very confusing…” You cut her off with a scuff and force the chair to turn around; prying it out of your mom’s grasp and begin typing on the computer.

“You have no idea what is really going on mom.., and the only way you will ever believe me is to show you.” You say, bringing up the surveillance protocols you have set up on the computer. A window opens up on the computer monitor identifying the four cameras you have set up through out the house along with the description of their capabilities. Whether the gasp that came out of you mother’s mouth was cause by the knowledge of what you have been spending all this time in your room doing, or the fact that you are nothing sort of a computer prodigy you really not sure. Likely it was caused by a combination of both.

“Jake.., what the hell…, have you been using these to spy on your sister?” She asks, forcing herself to maintain a whisper despite being completely floored over the facts that have just been presented to her. She grabs your arm, trying to stop what you’re doing but you pull away needing only a few more key strokes before the camera is on and its night vision lens active. She stairs at the screen as a second window opens covering the entire screen. Your heart sinks as you allow with you mother confirm that Heather and Timmy both appear to sleeping, cuddled in each others arms.

There is a dead pan expression on your mother’s face as she moves to the side of you to look you in the eyes. “What did you think Jacob... that they were screwing around? Tell me you didn’t think that Heather would ever take advantage of Timmy like that.” She says just as Heather starts to move along side Timmy in his bed.

“See.., look!” You strain as your mother looks down and shacks her head.

She glances back up at you, a sadness in her eyes. “Oh my God Jacob…, she is just getting comfortable.” She takes a hold of your cheeks, “I am so sorry I should have seen this, the way you looked at her, all the time you spend alone up here and I should have seen the signs that you need help. But I had no idea it was anything close to this,” She says nodding her head back towards the screen, letting out a gasp that returned your eyes to her and then to the screen.

As she was looking down apparently Heather had maneuvered herself on top of your little brother and gained you mother’s attention by flinging herself into a kneeling position on top of his little body. The blankets were tossed to the side and now Heather is bouncing naked on Timmy’s equally naked body guiding his tender hands to her huge D cupped tits.

“Oh my God….” She whispers in disbelief as you divide your attention between the screen and the look on your mother’s face, a sense of triumph coursing through your veins, finally being proven right. It seems your mother is have a difficult time pulling her eye away from the scene and you notice her nipples stiffen and begin to poke against the material of her robe.

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