Say "Yes sir! Thank you sir!"

From Create Your Own Story

He is surprised at her sudden change from serious hunter to eager teen but chuckles to himself. "Now listen closely, young hunter. You may be on vacation but you still have to be on the look out." He glances around and leans in and whispers, "A vampire could strike at any given moment. Never let your guard down completely." She nods. Every hunter in the society was paranoid when it came to unexpected vampire attacks. Since Crimson just started her missions as a hunter last year she would need many more years of experience before she became aware of the damage a powerful vampire could do. She was still hunting weaker ones. They were always the boldest so they needed the most taking care of. "Now go off and enjoy your day off. You don't get too many of those around here," he says and sends her away. She is escorted back down through the tunnel and return home.

She is escorted back to the home that she was given as soon as she became a rookie. It's overall appearance is normal, much like an ordinary one-bedroom apartment, but what really made it a vampire hunters dwelling was what you'd find if you looked hard enough. In the kitchenette under the marble counter was a small button that blended in with the rest of the counter. When pushed, it sealed of the kitchen with an unbreakable see through wall and unleashed a gas that would black you out faster than a bat upside the head. In the bedroom there was the lamp. The lamp on the nightstand was connected to and alarm system and when you burst the light bulb the alarm went off. There was once a time when Crimson was little when the alarm had gone off. She and the rest of the trainees were sent off into a shielded room in case it was a major threat. She doesn't know what happened back then, neither does any of the others, and no one was aloud to tell her so eventually she stopped asking and almost completely forgot about it. It wasn't really important now. There were numerous defense mechanisms in the house. Some she'd need and use, others probably useless.

Crimson has always been eager to try new things and a curious but cautious hunter which has given her the upper hand in many situations. Lately, she has found herself wondering what it would be like if she were an average teenager. Even if it's for only one day she wants to know what it feels like. Suddenly she realizes she's always felt this way. Way in the back of her mind she has always wondered to herself what it would be like if she were like all of the kids and people she has worked so hard all of her life to protect from the vampires. While normal kids were at school learning and playing she was at the training grounds learning how to fight and studying by tutor only when she was finished with the combat, strategic and agility skills she was learning. While other families were out on vacations together her family was out demonstrating proper spying and vampire slaying techniques. Now she's 16 and while other girls her age were out at high school, dating and making friends, she was in the society working on missions and getting to know her comrades. Finally, here's her chance! Today's mission was to experience what it was like to be like everyone else, but be on the look out at the same time. She changes out of uniform into pedestrian clothes and decides that she will start being normal...

At The mall

At The park

On a walk

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