Run over and make out with Brandon in front of his mom and your cousin

From Create Your Own Story

You dart over to Brandon, help him fully to his feet, and give him a deep kiss, full on the lips. Brandon shivers slightly and pulls you close.

Richard's hand comes down on your shoulder. "C'mon, Em. Let's go."

You break the kiss, but keep your arm wrapped around Brandon. "Aw, how sweet, cousin Richard. You want to walk us to school."

Richard looks at you as if you've grown a second head. "That's not what I had in mind."

You flash him a sharp smile. "Don't know why you're bothering to fight it. Brandon's nice and I like him."

Richard sighs. "It's... well, after your mom died, someone had to watch out for you."

Jessica laughs. "Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on them for you."

Richard wrestles momentarily within himself, then nods. "Fine. I'll back off. But do be careful, cousin Emily. Don't do anything that'll jeopardize your future."

You make a crossing-heart gesture, and Richard hands back Brandon's phone, then heads off while Jessica walks you and Brandon to school. The day is boring, but you meet Brandon after school ends and after quickly finishing your homework in the library, the two of you have the whole afternoon together.

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