Return to town, and attend Krystal's wedding with James Pepper!

From Create Your Own Story

You may be a horny demon, but you are also a romantic and a bit of a control freak. And you do not want to do anything to compromise your perfect wedding night, which you've been planning since you hit puberty.

You tell James where you live and ask him if he can carry you there in less than an hour. He says he'd be happy to let you ride there on his back, but he won't be able to change form now that the sun is soon coming up.

You shift your soul into him for just a moment. You try not to pry too much into his thoughts, but it still feels intimate to be inside of James with the experience of being Krystal fresh in your memory. You locate the triggers for his transformation, and make him turn into a werewolf.

As you shift back into Krystal, the werewolf towers above you with a vicious snarl, but he does not attack. When you ask him to let you climb on his back, he complies, and the two of you set off toward your home.

He runs rapidly through the forest. He is faster than a racehorse, and not at all slowed by the trees and undergrowth. Flying through the forest like this makes you feel like a true jungle goddess. This is better than any game.

As the sun begins to rise, James gains more control of himself, even talking to you as he runs. When you reach the house, you help him switch back to human form. You locate a spare key under the doormat and let the two of you in while the neighborhood still sleeps.

You and James share a sensual shower, kissing each other deeply and exploring your bodies. Then he tenderly dries you off.

He says that he is happy to have met you, but confesses to be concerned about being with a demon. You tell him you can't promise to always be good to others, but promise to help him be the person he wants to be.

You go into your room and find the wedding dress that has been waiting for you. It is very elegant, combining elements of video game heroines and cartoon princesses. It is red, as is traditional in your family, but it still has an air of purity to it.

But you're not actually marrying Jack, are you? If not, it might be more appropriate to show up in something more casual, unless you feel ready to marry James on the spot.

Do you

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Nude Asian Geek Alpha
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