Really fuck Emily all night long against the tree

From Create Your Own Story

"Just trust me and follow my lead, okay?" you say.

And then you begin. You start a gentle fuck rhythm and focus on Emily's body. You take it easy but 15 minutes later you have her on the brink of orgasm.

And then you do it. You shift over your daemonic presence to her for split second intervals to keep her right on the edge, while you patiently keep up the same gentle fuck rhythm with Brandon's penis. The effect is hypnotic, and before the first hour - and three ejaculations - is through, you have her body on automatic.

Then you step up the game, and hold her and caress her. You nibble at her nipples. You pinch her clitoris. You kiss her neck. All while you increase your thrusts to drive fully into her each time. Soon she's oblivious to everything except riding her orgasm and your cock.

She breathes like she's running a marathon, and she leaks juices like a broken pipe. On occasion, you shift into her to ensure her legs doesn't buckle under her, or that the two of you tip over. But mostly, you savor her joy, and your own body's occasional eruptions.

By dawn, she's managed to regain some awareness, and she's smiling happily at you through the dark red haze of her stream of orgasms. You have both cum countless times and your practically standing in a puddle of body fluids. Part is your cum which is all colorless by now, but most of it is her pussy juices mixed with the piss her body has squirted throughout the night.

"You're some magician, boy."

You slowly turn to see Emily's father looking at you from the window.

"I know I shouldn't watch my own daughter, but damn. I'm really happy for her, you know. But don't you think you need to get inside to warm up and have something to drink? You're really making her gush."

You realize he's probably right, and you nod.

"Let me prepare a sturdy breakfast before school, and I'll leave you two to finish off by your own, okay?" He leaves for the kitchen.

You turn to Emily.

"Emily? Can you hear me. It's morning and I need to get you out of it now. Do you understand?"

She smiles and nods.

You slap her. She still smiles. And cums.

You slap her again, hard. She just cums more, gripping your cock from the inside.

You sigh and start to slap her, over and over. She's getting a nosebleed after a dozen of those.

You can feel her orgasm subsiding, but she's starting to laugh. "I heard you from the beginning, I just wanted to make you worry a bit!" Clearly she's high from her night of orgasm. She's definitely desensitized to pain, that's for sure.

Do you:

You are possessing:
6th Grade Boy
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