Question the blond about the prisoners.

From Create Your Own Story

You walk up to the blond, trying to appear official, and ask her about the mass of hardened thugs. She looks over your bulging uniform disapprovingly, probably assuming your from vice.

"Big drug bust over in Freedom County, cleaned out a whole wearhouse full of these punks...but the Captain is all tied up with legal paperwork so we got to keep these animals here while he works with the DA to send them to state..."

"Sooner the better..." chimes in the attractive black woman. "I heard it was a madhouse when they busted them...had women and children working the merchandise and they say most of them had been raped multiple times by these beasts...hope they execute every last one of them..."

Useful information, they sound like your kind of guys...maybe these cops should get a little taste of street justice.

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