Prepare to fight and step around the corner

From Create Your Own Story

Loading a bolt into your crossbow, you step around the corner. No one seems to be there. You advance down the alley slowly until you reach a dead end.

A female voice from behind startles you, speaking in a thick accent. "And vat have ve here? A would-be vampire vânător from far away, vith all her little veapons?"

You whirl around, aiming your crossbow. A beautiful woman stands before you with long, silky black hair and piercing green eyes. She wears a long, slitted black and red dress that shows off a rather buxom chest and tiny waist, along with knee-high red boots with stiletto high heels. She smiles coolly, widely, revealing her fangs.

"Stand back!" you shout, your voice cracking.

"Do not think zat invenţie can kill me," she says, slowly advancing on you as though she had all the time in the world. "I am much too quick. I can dodge faster zan ze eye can see. You fell right into my trap, in zis dead-end alley, as dead as you are going to be. But I vill make you an offer. You are a beautiful femeie. Let me turn you into a vampire. Together, ve can seduce mortals into our vizuină and drink zer blood. A good offer, yes? Better then the alternative, you will agree?"

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Shotgun, crossbow, sword, night-vision goggles

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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