Pi Pi Pi/The regular one-piece

From Create Your Own Story

You gulp, almost painfully, as you eye your options. The strapless and Brazilian displayed far too much skin for your comfort, but were also the only garments the Pi Pi Pi sisters would allow. As you begin to think about, it seemed the first rule would almost certainly require such revealing swimsuits, and it would be only Jessica and Misty with you; that's only two observers. It seemed like a great chance to adjust to some of the activities this sorority life would certainly impose upon you. After all, the one-piece wasn't all that much better.

It would cover you from chest to groin, and your bottom could only be exposed partially, and only if it wedged in your crack, but there was one major problem. Jessica was easily a head shorter, and her slim figure was a stark contrast to your full hourglass. If you wore the one-piece, it was almost certain to hug like a second skin and perfectly show off your curves. Factoring in Pi Pi Pi, and the one piece seemed completely out of the question.

As you reach for the slightly more modest blue suit, you suddenly realized this one was also no good. Since it doesn't tie anywhere, Jessica's shorter and less developed body would make the strapless just as tight and form-fitting as the one-piece. Worse yet, the lack of shoulder straps would also mean you're more likely to pop out at any time and give the girls a show you are nowhere near ready to supply. Definitely not, you think.

All that left was the black Brazilian, and that was utterly ridiculous, even though the ties meant it wouldn't be so uncomfortable. Low rise bottom, partial behind on display constantly that can easily turn into a full display, and much easier to lose. You begin to wish you'd just said no. Shrugging, you grab the red one-piece and hope Pi Pi Pi will give this situation a pass and that Jessie won't take too much offense at the reaction.

"I'll be back in a minute," you call over your shoulder as you hurry to the door. You don't want to make eye contact with either girl, hoping to not give an explanation to your modesty or the blush spreading over your face. Unquestionably, the worst part of those choices were that Jessica didn't offer anything to wear over the suit, but it made for a great escape. In your room is a simple white cotton shirt that reached down to your knees. You've used it to cover yourself for sleeping and when you're heading out in a swimsuit, and today it also provides the cover of a predominantly private room. Sure, it's shared with Tara, but she barely had enough time to ride the elevator to the dorm's front door. What were the chances she'd come back now?

Before you could insert the key, a tap on your left shoulder drew your focus. Standing there was a slightly older girl, a senior probably, whose mocha colored skin told the world that her parents enjoyed the swirl. Her jeans, that almost seemed painted on, revealed that her hips weren't much more developed than Jessica's, giving you the impression that the mammoth-sized mammaries barely contained in her orange crop top involved a scalpel. Normally, you would have first noticed her deep gray eyes and her button nose framed by the thick, cascading mane resting upon her shoulders, or perhaps the full lips that were probably another cosmetic procedure. However, your eyes were drawn to this girl's hands, watching them fiddle with her outfit. While the girl's left hand was busy stretching the lip of her jeans and flashing her shaved, line-free mound, her right hand twirled the pendant of her gold necklace: a very obvious Greek letter.

The other girl spoke first. "Not good, Sally. Not good at all."

"S-Sorry?" You already knew where this was going, and no longer believed the story would convince her sisters to make an exception. All you could do now was draw this out.

"You know what I mean!" Her voice was barely loud enough to qualify as talking, but the tone reeked of rage and disgust most associate with yelling. "That swimsuit is not for Pi Pi Pi girls."

"Listen I..."

"Let's go inside first."

A nod towards the door punctuated this pause to the stern lecture on disobedience, a lecture that caused you to fumble with your room key. The guest didn't wait for you to bend over and instead grabbed the key herself and led the way into your room. The moment the door closed, the older girl continued.

"We made the rules very clear to you. Do you want to join Pi Pi Pi?"

"Yes! It's just..."

"No excuses! From now on, you jump into Pi Pi Pi, or we drop you. Bikinis, no underwear, and the rest of our rules once you learn them! Am I clear?"

You lower your head in shame. "Yes, sister."

"Good." With the lecture behind them, the girl seemed to soften, and you pick up your head in response.

"Now then," she continued, "you did break a rule, so we have to punish you if you want to keep pledging."

"I do, I do!" you replied, bouncing in place like you were on a pogo stick. It took a moment to register the word "punish" and grind to a halt.

"Well then..."

The guest began to lose herself in thought, trying to find a suitable punishment for such behavior. Seizing the opportunity, you pulled out the T-shirt and began to prepare yourself for the day's trip, which was hopefully still in your future. The appearance of this new bit of textile caused the full sister to snap her head and inquire about it. A grin crept onto her face with each word of your explanation, stopping when it stretched all the way to her hoop earrings.

"All right then," she spoke, crossing her arms behind her arching back. The pose should look stern and authoritative, but it also pushed out her breasts and made it look alluring as well. "Your punishment is you will go on this trip wearing this shirt over your birthday suit, and take the shirt off when you get there."

Your jaw went slack. Wandering around in only the shirt wasn't too terrifying, it wasn't much different than what you were doing in the skirt right now. In fact, it was what you were doing right now, all that changed was the clothing in question. However, the end of it was shedding your clothes completely. In front of two complete strangers. In a public, nature setting. That apparently others knew about. If you had blushed anymore, you'd probably look like an oversized lobster.

"That should do!" the girl said, snapping you back to reality. "I'll be going now. Remember what we talked about, okay?"

All you could do is nod as she walked out the front door, with your mouth still agape at this new task. It finally closed when you mumbled, "How did they even know about the suit?"

What do you do next?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Long skirt and T-shirt

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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