Pack your new bag

From Create Your Own Story

Eventually you pack your bag with everything you need.

-Pokeballs x5

-Potions x6


-Rope x2

-Pokegear IQ(new watch based addition including a map, a music player,a mobile phone system, the time, Pokemon party recorder and a calender)

-list of trainer grades (1=Academy Trainer 2=Rookie Trainer 3=Senior Trainer 4=Expert Trainer 5=Advanced Trainer 6=Pokemon Master)

-Food - 2 days supply

-Water - 2 days supply

-Hunting Knife Level 1 (in this game there will be Chickens, Pigs, Cows and Sheep which you can kill with your knife, sword, bow, Crossbow and weapons like that. Grumpig Burger doesn't sound that nice. neither does Torchic stir fry or Mareep stew.)

(i will only put item in the inventory such as Pokeballs, potions, rope and the hunting knife, things you can afford to lose. losing a pokedex is not good.)

you decide to head out right away. where do you go?

Creepy caverns


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