Or does Karibu run to the nurses office

From Create Your Own Story

Karibu runs to the nurses office…

Medical Ninja- !

Karibu- Please help, I found him in the bathroom tied up.

Medical Ninja- Oh my…

The Medical Ninja takes the boy and puts him on the table…

???- Nnnn

Medical Ninja- It looks like he’s been sexually assaulted. Shhh it’s okay, you're in good hands now, although you may want to release the henge so I can access the damage accurately.

Karibu- Huhhh?!!

Medical Ninja- You fool you can tell this isn’t actually a boy… Go ahead sweetie show yourself.

The child releases the jutsu to reveal a purple haired little girl, and eyes to match…

Karibu- Wait… He’s a She??!?!

???- W… Well I figured… That h… He wouldn’t do anything bad if I was a a boy.

Medical Ninja- No, need to worry… You’re in good hands now… By the way, what is your name?

Renamaru- Renamaru…

Medial Ninja- Well Renamaru, I hope you are grateful to Karibu for getting you safe.

Renamaru- Karibu…

Karibu smiles warmly at the child, and she blushes…

Medical Ninja- Well, I’m gonna send these samples to the police, and we will see who the person who did this is… Why don’t you walk her out Karibu.

Karibu- Right, come Renamaru.

The two get up, and leave, walk to the front door of the Academy…

Renamaru- Thank you, Karibu…

Karibu- Don’t mention it :).

Natsuki- Karibu… Our Sensei is here, let’s go. Oh… Hi little one.

Renamaru hides behind Karibu, and Natsuki looks confused…

Karibu- Sorry about that, Renamaru is a little shy.

Natsuki- Well, say goodbye to your little friend we gotta go okay?

Renamaru- But you can’t go…

Karibu- I promise you will be safe Renamaru, now go and play.

Renamaru- O… Okay Karibu.

Natsuki- *Giggle* She’s cute.

Karibu- Huh… Well, whatever, let’s go.

Chapter 4

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