Oops! You're Naked!/Go to the bar for help

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked & Running

Looking around, you decide. This isn't a very good neighborhood, and you aren't wild about visiting any of these businesses. You really don't want anyone to see you naked, but you know you don't have a choice. However, you can do what you can to make sure as few people as possible see you naked.

There are several cars parked in front of the restaurant, and several in front of the convenience store as well. Through the glass windows of the convenience store, you can see several customers, and one clerk behind the counter. But you can see only one car parked in front of the bar.

That makes it easy. You take a couple minutes to gather up your courage, then you run out of the alley, across the street, through the bar parking lot to the front door. You pull open the door and go in.

Just inside the door, you pause. The place is dark, and, as you expected, nearly empty. In fact, the only person you see is the bartender, a balding, overweight man of about fifty, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. He looks up as you enter, sees you, and frowns. "What the fuck?" he says.

Knowing you're committed now, you walk up to the bar, using one hand to cover your pussy and one to cover your tits. You press yourself agains the bar so it covers as much of your body as possible, smile sheepishly, and say, "I sure hope you can help me." You explain what happened to you and how you got where you are. You end your tale by asking, "Is there any chance I can borrow something to wear from you? Or even just use your phone so I can call a friend to come pick me up?"

The man doesn't answer at first. In fact, he takes several seconds to study as much of your naked body as he can. He makes you think of a snake sizing up a mouse when he does this. Finally, he speaks. "I suppose I can help you," he says. "But first, you need to do something for me."

"What?" you say nervously, not liking the direction this conversation has taken.

"Well, you see, my bitch of a waitress just called in sick, and I don't have anyone to replace her. We're open until four o'clock tomorrow morning. If you wait tables for me from now until closing time, I'll let you have something to wear."

"And if I say no?"

"Then back out into the street you go, and you can take your chances. And, let me tell you, most of the people out there won't be as nice to you as I'm being."

You look around the bar, wondering what to do. While you are thinking, the man says, "I won't be paying you, but I'll let you keep any tips you make. My customers give the best tips to the waitresses with the biggest tits, and with those huge tits, you'll make a fortune here."

"Will you loan me something to wear?"

"An apron." He holds up a waist apron as he speaks. It's not much longer in front than a micro-miniskirt, and doesn't cover anything in back. "You can wear this while you work for me."

"Anything else?"

The man shakes his head. "This is all I've got."

Not wild about this, but needing something, you agree to wear the apron and wait tables for the man until closing time, in return for him giving you something to wear at the end of the night. "You can clean up in the lady's room," he says, "and put the apron on. Then come back out here. My first customers of the nightly rush should be arriving anytime soon."

You go into the lady's room. Using paper towels and the cold, dirty water that reluctantly comes out of the faucet of the only sink, you clean yourself off as well as you can. Then you put the apron on. You inspect the result in the cracked mirror. As you thought, if you wear the apron several inches below your belly button, it is just about long enough to cover your pussy, but your belly, your breasts, your back, your butt, and even your legs are bare.

You turn away from the mirror and put your hand on the doorknob. You hesitate, but aren't certain you have much of a choice. You will have to wait tables, wearing almost nothing, for the next six hours or so, and then the man will give you something to wear. On the other hand, you did see that the bar's back door is unlocked. You could slip out and take your chances. At least you'd have the apron.

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