Ongoing Story\They have their fun with you

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 10: Lashed And Loving It

Greg gives you an evil smile and pulls two short riding crops from a drawer. He hands one to Johnny. Your body is beginning to feel strange, like there's a fire burning inside you. You become acutely aware of the leather thongs that bind you, and the pain in your nipple starts feeling... odd.

"Now, who should we start on, you or Julie? Hmm...? Oh, I forget you can't say anything, little sister. I think we'll save the best for last. You can consider yourself lucky, Lisa - you will feel pleasure, while all Julie will experience is pain beyond your wildest imagination. It's been so long since we had a pre-teen, eh Johnny?"

"Damn straight. We have to be more careful with Julie, though. That last eight year-old didn't last for more than a few hours."

"So we'll warm up with you, Lisa." With those words, Greg lashes you across the breasts with his riding crop. The pain is awful, excruciating. Johnny immediately follows suit by placing another stroke immediately on your already bleeding left nipple. You try to scream, and your whole body convulses in pain as the nipple feels like it's exploding. As the pain dies away somewhat, you see two red gashes on your breasts. Small pearls of blood form in them. And slowly, a new feeling starts flowing into your mind. A feeling of... pleasure? The pain is passing into a dull ache, but there's a fire spreading through your body, and the pain is starting to feel good, right and proper. You shudder. What's happening to you?

"The drug is taking effect", Johnny says. "It makes you crave any stimulation, even pain. You should thank us. And you will."

Your cunt feels like it's on fire. You're incredibly, insanely horny. There is nothing you wouldn't do to get release. The sight of your brother's erect cocks is entrancing. You want them to fuck you, even though you know they're rapist bastards, even though you know they will torture your sweet little sister once they're done with you. You want them.

"Oh, yes", says Greg. "You can't deny it, Lisa. We'll give you release." Again he rasies the riding crop, and this time, the stroke falls on your pussy. Your hips buck up at the sudden agony, only to meet Johnny's brutal follow-up, again hitting you on your venus mound. While the pain is awful, it also feels strangely satisfying. The lashes hail on your pussy, every one driving you wild, until one stroke hits you directly on the clitoris. It's like an electrical shock hit your body. Your whole body tenses up, you arch your back and pull so hard on your leather straps your skin tears on your wrists and ancles. You orgasm from the pain. Your brothers keep whipping you, and every hit gives you another orgasm. Another and another and another. The unbearable pain coupled with the incomprehensible pleasure drives you to sexual heights you thought impossible. You orgasm continually for several minutes under your brothers' brutal abuse, until you finally black out, completely spent.


You can't tell how much time goes past before you wake up, but it can't have been too much. You take a look at your body. It's drenched with sweat, and criss-crossed with red welts. You can't see what your pussy looks like, but you know it's in much worse shape. It aches, but slowly the fire returns to it. You can't believe it! You just came unto unconsciousness, but you're beginning to crave more already.

"Sleeping beauty awakes. Good", says Greg. "Now we're going to have some fun with Julie. Our parents, Rob and Tracy went away while you were out, so we can do this." He takes off your gag.

"You... you bastards! You'll never get away with this!"

"But we will, Lisa. We will. Now, as for Julie..." Johnny gives her a small slap on her bottom, and Julie's reaction is incredible. She tries to scream through her gag, and her small body thrashes around in pain. Julie's stimulant drug, you realize. There's not a hint of pleasure on her, only pain.

"Yes, look at that!" Greg exclaims. "Just imagine what she will feel when our cocks rip her cunt and ass to shreds. We'll whip her, and pierce her and burn her. Her screams will be delicious."

Your horniness increases. You can't help but feel excited at Greg's words. Your cunt is on fire again. It needs stimulation. Anything.

"Yes, Lisa. You need it again, don't you? But we're not going to give it to you. In your state, no torture can be better than just leaving you untouched." Greg leers at you. The fire is becoming unbearable. You struggle helplessly against your restraints.

"Please... please fuck me!" you beg your brothers. "I'll do anything! I'll be your slave!"

"Don't you see, Lisa? You're our slave already." The truth of Johnny's words scalds your very soul.

"But perhaps there is something you could do to make us fuck you..." says Greg.

"Anything!" you respond.

"Beg us to piss in your mouth and face, and maybe, just maybe, we'll fuck you."

Oh, god! They could do it againt your will, easily, but they want to see you beg for the humiliation. You're disgusted, but the fire in your cunt desperately needs quenching.

What do you do now?

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