Offer to help him

From Create Your Own Story

"Let me help you carry those."

"No, I'm fine. Whoops." One of the bags slips from his hand.

"Ronan..." I take two bags from his hand, and he smiles awkwardly. It's the first time I've seen him relax. I smile back at him, and we both burst into laughter. "What a day. Does Darren usually send you on such crazy errands?"

"No. Never. This whole week has been as strange to me as it's been to you, from what I understand."

"That is an understatement. So, how much do you know?"

"I know you tried to comfort Gemma the other day. So you can't be that bad. But I'm worried the boss planned this all on a whim, without really thinking it through."

"And by planned, you mean..."

"I know you've been tasked with taking down the owner of Glitz in the dirtiest possible way. And as you said, you're not a professional."

My cheeks heat up at his candid statement, but I decide to brave it out. "True. To be honest, I have no idea if I can pull this off. Darren offered me a deal, and I was desperate enough to accept it. That's all."

"Well, good luck, lady. I'll be rooting for you."

"Thank you, Ronan. And please, call me Sarah." He doesn't reply, but he gives me a lopsided smile and nods in agreement. We reach the limo and drop off the bags, and then we realize there's still half an hour before we must go. "Why don't you join me, Ronan? I could use some company to stop myself from thinking about Anthony. It makes me nervous."

"I see. Okay." I think of a way to start a conversation... "So, how long have you been working for Darren?"

"Seven years."

"That long?!"

"Why is that surprising?"

"Well... I don't know. Can't you find another job? Darren must be a difficult boss."

"What makes you say that?"

"He's a tyrant. And he drinks a lot."

"He doesn't usually drink."

But he does around me. Why?

"Make no mistake. His manner can be gruff, but his employees love him. Myself included. He takes care of his people. And he hires people who are in desperate circumstances."

"So maybe that's why he helped me."

"Could be. When I met him... I was just out of jail. And homeless. He was being mugged. Cornered in a filthy street by three guys twice his size."

"Oh my God! What happened?"

"I beat the crap out of them. And Darren testified to keep me out of trouble. You see, I did time for beating up my sister's abusive boyfriend. So, repeating a similar incident... let's just say it could've been bad for me."

"Wow. Is that incident the reason he started going to the gym?"

Ronan laughs. "How did you know?"

"He used to be a tall, skinny kid back in high school. The only thing that hasn't changed about him is that hard, intense glare."

"Yes... he is intense, isn't he?" Ronan pauses for a moment, thinking about something. When he speaks up again, his tone is serious. "You'd best take care. This rivalry he has with the Payne guy... it's about more than just the club."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not up to me to tell you that."


"He'll tell you in his own time."

"So, is Anthony really as bad as Darren says he is?"

"I honestly don't know. But best be careful. With both of them."

After that, Ronan drives me to the gala, and I"m left to navigate the unfamiliar waters on my own. As I enter the gallery, the security looks at me suspiciously before confirming my spot on the guest list. I feel like my outfit looks to underwhelming, but once I join the crowd, I manage to fit in.

Beautiful paintings are displayed throughout the area, letting people take a close look at the art before the auction begins. Meanwhile, I'm glancing at all the handsome men, looking for Anthony... and then I see him. He's gorgeous! I step closer, slowly approaching Anthony and his date. And when she turns around, I gasp.

She's the girl from the boutique! I wonder if Anthony knows she's sleeping around? But I mustn't think about that now. I have to keep my head cool. I push that racy memory away and focus on the couple before me. He's busy studying one of the paintings, while she looks utterly bored. I take a deep breath and walk to his side, hoping his gorgeous date doesn't drag him away.

How should I approach Anthony?

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