Offer to Call Him in Sick, and Turn in His Project for Him

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey, don't push yourself too hard. If you want I can call in sick for you."

"And what about my project"

"I can go into school early to turn it in. You won't have to move a single muscle."

Ken seemed to be attracted to this proposition. "I really want to do this, but I don't know if it is right."

You combat his worry with your ability to comfort. "I'll have it all under control. I could even get you your in-class assignments. Right now, the only thing you should worry about is getting rest."

Ken wanted to protest, but when you smothered him with a blanket, he gave into his fatigue. "Hey, Hakan. My project is on the couch. Thanks for doing this for me."

"Ain't that what friends are for?" You get him a pillow and rest his head on it, and within moments, the small boy had fallen asleep. You ring up the school, and tell them that Ken was "vomiting up a storm." It seemed convincing enough, or so you hope.

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