No tennis pro today wears panties under their skirts

From Create Your Own Story

"Tennis pros wear bikini bottoms with 'false' skirts," you explain.


"And because your costume isn't in that style, I think it looks best without panties."

The redhead hesitates. But her suspicion seems to be gone. "Are you sure?" she finally asks you.

"I'm positive."

After a while, she makes up her mind, and pulls down her panties to her knees. Then she starts to move her legs closer to let them fall to her feet.

"No, no, no!" you interrupt her. "The best tennis pros are not only excellent players, they're artists too. Always give the audience what they have paid for. Now bend down to remove your panties!"

"But then my bum will show!" the redhead complains.

"Real tennis pros act as if they are unawares they're giving the audience a good showing. Now show me how it's done! And do it slowly!"

Even more reluctantly, she lowers her panties to the floor, bending to do so. This gives you a nice sideways view of her round ass cheeks with a hint of pussy crack in the middle. Also, you see her right breast as it falls out of her shirt while she remains bent over.

"Excellent!" you say. "Twirl and let me see the rest of your costume!"

She twirls, and looks at you expectantly. She's flushed with color.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Costume Shop

MP 0
Level 5
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