New God:You and Haily go on that date you mentioned

From Create Your Own Story

After a 10 minute rest from the orgasms, the class is finally over.

"Hey babe, looks like it's time for that date." you tell her.

"Alright then, I'll just get ready." she replies, getting off the lifeguard chair.

You then use your powers to clean you and Haily up as well as return your clothes and her swim suit back on, just to be safe. You then get off the chair yourself and wait for her.

She then quickly changes into a pair of paint-on jeans and a tight red blouse with her nipples sticking through. You had managed to convince your ever-loving "girlfriend" to stop wearing bras over six months ago for your one-year anniversary.

As you and your new girlfriend walk to your car she hops into the passenger seat; she's a girl, she shouldn't be driving.

"Where are we going?" she asks you.

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