Mia/Slave/Infirmary- Sister

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that there's a way to convince him with the information that you have now. Looking him in the eye, you ask him how he could live with himself if he had denied help to his own sister. As you speak, his eyes soften and he looks away, the past replaying before him.

"Alright," he says gravely. "I don't like being manipulated, but it's as you say." He leans in close.

He takes the waterskin from before and places it on your mattress, just sunk enough to be hidden from view. It feels heavy and full. "There," he says softly. "That should give you a little boost - assuming you can escape in the first place, of course. The patrols change at 2 o'clock, and are sounded by a bell." He stands quickly and begins to walk away before you have the chance to thank him. He looks back. "I'll leave a little food at the tree-line. You'll last for a few days in there with that."

You close your eyes and imagine a million ways to proceed... and a million ways things could go wrong. But when you think of the look on your father's face when you come back safe and sound, you realise that:

It's too risky. You should stay here and wait for another chance.

There's nothing to lose. Steel yourself and get some rest.

Health 20 Equipment:


Stamina 20
Mood Tense Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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