MAFV : Jessica submits without a fight.

From Create Your Own Story

Jessica doesn't say anything, she doesn't do anything. She takes one look at the wicked-looking knife in your hand, and she allows you to handcuff her wrists behind her back and press a piece of tape firmly over her full lips.

Then you tell her to get out of bed. She looks at the clothes piled on a nearby chair, then back at you. "Sorry," you tell her, "I want you to come as you are."

She moans in protest, but you slap her across the face. "Quiet." Jessica blinks but makes no further noise. She gets out of bed, as you told her to.

Grabbing Jessica by the elbow, you lead her over to her coat closet. You open it and look inside. You find a trenchcoat. You drape it over Jessica's shoulders, tying the belt in front of her.

Then, holding your knife against her throat, you take Jessica out of her apartment and down the back hallway to the back entrance. This lets out on the alley, where you parked your car.

In the alley, you open the trunk of your car. You take the trenchcoat off Jessica. You force her into the trunk and bind her ankles with tape. You shut the trunk and get in behind the wheel. You put Jessica's coat on the seat beside you; you might need it later.

What happens?:

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