Look for some decent clothes to 'borrow'

From Create Your Own Story

You snatch a white tee-shirt away while trying to avoid anyone's attention. Everyone is seemingly focused on the fight itself. Everyone except the guard who puts his hands around your breasts.

"Hey, I found her!" he yells.

The guard who was initially helping out with the conflict immediately spins his head around like a hungry wolf who caught the scent of his prey. He does not even care about the two women anymore, leaving them to fight out their issues while he steps towards you like an impending shadow. Every step he makes towards you makes your heart skip a beat, so much so that you soon feel out of breath and out of energy.

"Well, if it isn't our little thief," the fat guard grins with pleasure. "Out to steal another piece, are we? Naughty, naughty..."

You shudder in fear as he spews those words out of his filthy lips. In fear, you tried and duck under his arm, trying to escape his grasp. However, even though he's quite hefty, his partner isn't. The slim teenager seizes you by the hair and throws you back into the muscular arms of the fat guard.

Seeing you being toss around like that, some of the bypassers got a little bit excited by it, some merely curious. Most of those who stop are guys, of course, though the looks a few of the females are giving you don't make you feel any better.

"Whoa ho! Looks like we've gained an audience!" the fat guard announced as he vices his arm on your petite neck, almost choking you while doing so. "How'bout a little mall game, folks? I know - a game of pin your sticks on the bitch is always entertaining, huh?!"

You don't like the sound of that. You don't like the sound of that at all. But, like the game of which the title this game's title resembles, people get to stick something on you. Well, in you, actually. In your pussy, rather. And, to a larger extent, your asshole, too. While you are naked. Stark naked. Not to mention that your waist is strapped down to a hanging wooden pole with your tush facing everybody else - your legs spread and tied down, too, of course. The other end of your body is fine, though, just with the exception of your wrists being tied to a pillar each and people shoving their dicks in your mouth while your lower-end is busy with other corks.

Like all games, the players take turns, all night long. By morning, you feel nothing. Like, literally nothing. Every single inch, heck, the inch of an inch, was violated, touched, and groped by hundreds of men with their hands and, most of the times, their dicks. Liquid dripped from your mouth, face, cunt, asshole - just about every section of your used body as well. It probably would have bothered you less if it was just cum, but as one could tell from the brown stuff stuck on some area of your body, piss and shit were applied to the mixture as well, especially onto your face and in your mouth. Oh, how they enjoyed applying stuff into your mouth.

There you are, hanging lifelessly while staring at the marbled floor. You feel nothing, and from yesterday night, you are nothing but a cum-slut (they have written that label all across your body anyway) awaiting for more players to come and use you.

Guess you should have stayed in school.


Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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