Life of a Serial Killer/A Whiskey Bottle

From Create Your Own Story

You take a swig of whiskey and head into town. It's 4am, there's not many people out, that should make things easier. Still it's your first kill, these always go wrong.

There's a woman in her house waving her children goodbye. They are probably going to stay with their farther for the weekend. She should be alone, tired and vulnerable. Still can you deal with the guilt of taking a way the children's mother forever?

There's a party a few houses down. Plenty of victims, you could choose one or try and take them all out. Likely drunk and on drugs. Seems to be some body builders there though. Even if you don't manage to kill anyone you could maybe have some fun?

A cab driver seems to be waiting outside a seemingly abandoned house, very strange. This could get you a murder vehicle and a decent disguise. Still you gotta question is this guy as crazy as you, waiting alone outside an empty house. You just noticed he appears to be muttering also.

Now here's hardest one of the bunch. A police officer seems to be waiting in a distant alleyway. On patrol most likely. He won't hear the fates of any other victims but he most defiantly will notice you if you approach him. He also has fire arms training and if you fail you will be arrested or killed. He's got plenty of loot on him though.


Life of a Serial Killer/The Mother

Life of a Serial Killer/The Party

Life of a Serial Killer/The Taxi Man

Life of a Serial Killer/The Cop

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