Let the girls choose who wants to fuck.

From Create Your Own Story

"So, ladies, who wants to be the first to fuck a new god?"

Jess, Nicole, and Carrie look at each other for a moment and then, to your immense surprise, Carrie reaches out and strokes your crotch.

She sees the expression on your face and says, "I'm not sure I want to fuck you yet, but I think I'd like to see a god's stiff cock."

Your dick is, indeed, starting to get very stiff. You reach out and pull the straps off of Carrie's shoulders and let those glorious big tits swing free again. She reciprocates by untying your drawstring and dropping your shorts. Your dick springs straight up.

Some of the people sunning themselves notice and gasp. One starts to run off to the lifeguard's stand and a couple of others start heading your way.

Carrie wraps her hand around your cock and starts stroking it. Jess's face turns bright red and she turns her back. Nicole, whose head is about two feet from the action, looks on with mild interest.

You reach your hand out and start kneading Carrie's tits. They are deliciously soft and malleable. Unable to resist, you lean down and start licking her wide, brown nipples. The sun and heat have made her start to sweat, and they taste just a little salty. Her hand stroking your dick feels fantastic.

A big, muscular blond guy stops about ten feet from your group and says, "What the hell are you doing?"

More people have noticed by now, although the volleyball game seems to be running unimpeded.

You turn to him and say, "I've just become a god, and I decided to fuck these girls right here. If you have a problem with that, you can leave now, but---Oh shit!" This was in response to Carrie reaching down to tug your balls just slightly. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you continue, "But I wouldn't suggest interfering."

Looking down, you notice a decent boner is forming in his own trunks. You laugh, and say, "Or you could stay and watch if you like."

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