Let Libby cast her spell

From Create Your Own Story

"Emhtiw emi temos dnep sattoguoy," Libby says. A beam of blue light shoots from her wand and wraps around you and Charlie.

"Trae hrou ysses sopl liwi evold nifll uoytah twonkidna," Libby intones. A beam of red light joins with the blue. Suddenly, there is a bright pulse... and the light is gone.

"I'll be going now," Libby says. "Glad to help, Char. We females have to stick together to maintain control."

"Thank you, Libby," Charlie says. She unhooks your chain, but you feel rooted to the spot.

Charlie walks over to you and picks you up. "I may have let you go in a month if you'd been cooperative," she says. "But sorceress spells are irreversible. You and I are bonded together."

At least I'm with someone I like, you think. You spend the rest of your days trying to satisfy Charlie. Your stamina increases, but she's always a step ahead of you in the workouts. Your dick is very happy, though, as she gives it a workout at least 4 times a day.

The End

Health Charlie's Partner Location:

Charlie's Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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