Keep reading about John's life changing event

From Create Your Own Story

His mom put her glass down on the bedside table and her book on her lap and opened her arms signaling for a hug.

"Come over sweetie, give your old mom a hug". John could tell she was feeling the wine at least a bit since she slightly slurred some of what she had said. She is not an alcoholic but she did enjoy her wine. John thought that it was good thing if she is a bit tipsy, that it would make this conversation much easier for him.

John walked around the bed nearly banging his knee off of his parents record player which had become a place to stack useless junk on top of. He got to his mom and embraced in a warm hug while the hint of wine crept up his nose.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" She asked as John broke their, to him, forever lasting hug. He was so nervous to bring up what he wants, no he needs, to figure out.

"What book are you reading now? Another sappy romance novel as usual?" He joked and stalled while his saliva dried up in his mouth and his legs felt weightless.

"Oh you know me well now don't you. I would hope you did not walk across the house and nearly hit your knee off our hazardous junk area that your father is to blame for, just to ask me which novel I have decided to indulge in tonight". His mom had a super power giving her the ability to read people very well and apparently doesn't lose that ability even with alcohol involved.

"Looks like you know me to well also mom". John sat down on the edge of the bed staring out the window of his mothers bedroom and knew he had to say what he came to say or she would eventually pry it out of him.

As he stared through the window he started fidgeting and clearing his throat but he started to get himself off track as he could see that the moon was half full but so bright he could see the light reflecting in the pond adjacent to their log home and could tell it was windy as the moon gave off enough light to give him the ability to see the tall dead trees swaying back and forth. He recalled how he climbed his first tree by the pond and as his sister came home he tried to wave to her to show how high up he was. As he waived, the branch he was trusting would support his weight, had snapped. He was fairly high up their and if he was not so lucky this fall could have done tremendous damage if not fatality, but he was fortunate enough that the branch he was on extended over the pond and that he fell at the perfect angle leaving him hit the deepest part of the pond when gravity decided to come knocking.

"Knock knock. Earth to Johnny" The voice of his mother snapped him out of his trip down memory lane he was having with himself and caused him to slightly jump.

"Sorry ma. I just have this thing I need to talk to some one about. Some one who would be able to give factual insight and some one who has actually experienced the same thing I need to figure out. Its... about something that... is kind of hard to even start talking about. Especially with... well, family". John fought tooth and nail for each word to pour out of his mouth and to come out in correct order.

His mom as stated above is a gifted people reader and she got the sense almost instantaneously on what he is trying to say. She did not want to scare him off so she decided to let him build the nerve to come out and say it.

"Oh baby you know I want you to come to me about everything and be able to feel safe and not judged. You can say what you seem to NEED to say and then we can talk about whatever that is. No judgement will come from this momma and I promise you that anything you say will not get you into any trouble and most certainly will be between you and I, if that is what you decide is best". She said as she noticed she is a bit more tipsy then she thought as she caught herself slurring a couple of times. Worrying that her son would not want to talk to her being in this state of mind she added.

"Also I had a bit to drink so I apologize for slight slurring, possible giggling, or stammering but I also promise that I can still give you any advice that you need and everything I say will be 100 percent honest".

John had enough of letting his mom do all this talking and convincing him to feel confident enough to talk to her that he sort of, some what, mumbled the word SEX. Even though it was a mumble it was loud enough to be heard by ma.

His mom knew all along but tried to play it as she hadn't. She let a moment pass before saying anything while figuring out what she should say first. She figured it out, put on hand on the bed and pushed her self up so that she was now sitting with her back against the head board and her feet had now ended up beside John where her exposed thighs used to occupy. This caused John to sit at more of an angle, now facing directly at his mother with one leg half on the bed while the other dangle off the side.

"Finally" his mom said and left another moment of silence.

These moments lasted for decades to John. He noticed that his silk shorts were causing him to slide of the bed constantly causing him to readjust how he sat. He decided he needed to be fully comfortable for what he was about to talk about. So he fully sat on the bed closer to his mom, back at around her, now less exposed, thigh. He sat there with his legs criss crossed and his hands together on his lap and let his mind race. Why did she only say finally, is she surprised, does she even want to talk to me about this, was this a mistake. All possible thoughts ran through his mind 4 times. Enough! is what John screamed in his mind. These moments that last years at a time, in reality only a couple of seconds, were killing him more than the thought of talking to his mother about this problem.

Before John said anything though his mom broke the silence with, "John this is an important talk for you and it is best that you have it with me or your father, although im glad I was your first choice." She said with a smile and wink, trying to make light of the talk seeing how nervous and uncomfortable her 'favorite' kid was sitting.

"Let me just stop the talk for a moment and ask you something" she continued. Finally getting a nod from John she felt she had the go ahead to continue.

"Well John, I am very willing and I am very happy to talk to you about this and just you. But you know, your brother is only a year younger and your sis is only 2 years older... Don't feel like what im about to ask means we have to but think about it. I was wondering perhaps if we could invite them into the room and have the talk altogether so that I could kill two birds with one stone, well three birds but who's counting" she giggled at her, not as funny as she thought, pun.

"I feel like that would be embarrassing though to let my brother and sister know about my current experiences, I mean I guess not technically experiences, I guess I mean my..." John was cut off by his mom.

"Oh John. Don't be silly your brother, I assume, is in the same place as you are, or at least close to it, and your sister, well I don't know for sure but she is like you boys, conservative, so she might be in the same spot as well. So they wouldn't have any room to judge or make fun of you and you know that you all get along so well that that shouldn't even be a worry for you. But if you insist on keeping it just us then your wish is my command". She explained to John while he was contemplating it.

John sat there in yet another moment of silence and argued with him self and compared pros and cons and made pie charts and graphs inside his mind as he was so surprised since he had not thought this would be how his talk with ma started. He eventually decided to man up and that family is family no matter what so he came to the conclusion that he would let his mom bring his siblings in on the conversation. Although he ultimately decided for a group talk his voice was still shaky from the nerves that when he finally said, "Ok. Yeah your right. Ill go get them to come in" his mom thought as if she coerced him into making that decision so she stared at him in a way that she was physically asking if hes sure. John picked up on the sign and confirmed that he indeed was sure with a voice that lost some shakiness as his nerves were decreasing a bit, but mos definitely not gone by all means.

His mom had one more question that she just thought of but she was afraid to scare him away so as John collected himself to get off of her bed and gain the strength to make each leg move in correct order she decided she needed to ask.

She meant to ask "John, one more thing, I think it would mean a lot for your dad to be here as well for this I think that he would want to be here for this and if your brother and sis are joining why not one more family member". But instead she said, "I really think it would be wrong to exclude your father from this now that its a joint operation, don't ya think?"

John didn't even think about it he just nodded and agreence and said "yeah your right. At this point It does not matter to me I just want to be able to have this talk tonight".

"Excellent. How about this. You go get your siblings and tell them to join your father and I in here in, how about 15 minutes." She ordered in a manner that seemed as if she was excited like she would get when planning vacations or when she was about to go out with dad for the night. John couldn't decide which, but to him there was a big difference between which two types of excitement she had, and ultimately threw his mind in yet another circle that he thought 'great now I have to wait 15 whole minutes to figure out another thing'.

John went to his little bro's room first and knocked on the door. His brother answered in almost the same attire John was in. Black silk shorts but instead of a cotton white tee, Johns shirt, he was in a muscle shirt that exposed more of his upper body and the muscles to go with it. John informed his brother and dismissed any question his brother would ask in terms of what it was for or about.

"Just be there in 15 minutes your not in trouble and its nothing bad." John stated as he was walking away from the door to get sibling number 2 ready.

Johns little brother was the first door down, what their parents called, the kids wing, basically the hallway on the right side of the house where all three of their bedrooms were located. First door was his younger brother, second was his room, 3rd was the chaotic bathroom the three of them "shared", and lastly his sisters room, which was, of course, the biggest. He thought as he passed his room that maybe he would be more comfy in a muscle shirt like his brother was wearing. So he turned around, opened his door, savagely dug through his drawers failing to find a muscle shirt but instead he found a cut off tee shirt. It was a shirt he got through his football fundraising that just had their team name on it with football underneath the name, like any other school has for their sports shirts. But as he put it on he felt like he might be exposing too much. He cut the sleeves off years ago and originally looked like a muscle shirt with wider straps around the shoulder but after years of carrying on while wearing it and the amount of pulls on it when his friends or brothers would try to tackle him in friendly back yard activities, the once well cut shirt now is down to almost the waistline of the shirt leaving his abs and pectoral muscles to be seen by anyone anytime he would move as air would blow through his shirt. He decided what the hell and put the cut off on and quickly marched down the kids wing to his sisters room.

"Knock Knock" John said instead of actually knocking.

His sister must have been near the door since it swung open rather quickly. Which, as mentioned, caused his shirt to act as the sail to a boat and blow open. How John was standing next to the doorway from his sisters point of view, his sister caught a glimpse of his defined abs and nearly chiseled pecs.

"Look at you Mr. Muscular" his sister teased.

He got somewhat of a bit of satisfaction out of this, to him, compliment, even though he knew she meant it in the most innocent way.

"What can I do ya for John"

"Mom and Dad want us to join them in their room for a family talk in" John figured he had wasted about 5 minutes informing his brother and getting his cut off so he continued, "about 10 minutes"

"Alright let me get changed and ill be right there" As his sister said that John about smacked himself in the face for not noticing right away. She was standing there in a little t-shirt that was hugging his skin enough to outline all her physical attributes and further south, only panties. He shirt covered about half of her under garment but left enough visible to not leave anyone to wonder what color they were. Black. They were black and John found through his self exploring of anything and everything that relates to sex that he found a woman to be even more sexy with a black bra and a tiny black thong hiding the treasures. In fact, it was a big turn on that he had come to find. He began wondering for the first time in his life what color bra she had on finding himself thinking, no wishing, that it was black. 'All the years I have spent with her that, of course on a night like this, this would be the first time I see her in an exposed moment' he thought to himself. 'This night has already gotten way crazier than I could have ever imagined' he continued to think as he was turning away from the door.

"John! Wait one sec would ya?" He heard as he was now a couple feet down the hall from her door. He began to turn back around to his sisters room but stopped when he saw his sister right outside of her doorway looking at him still in her tight tee and panties. John tried so hard not to look down at her panties while she was obviously looking at him and would catch him doing it but failed as his eyes met her black panties before even seeing her face. She in turn saw what he was looking at and sort of laughed in her head thinking 'even my brother acts like any guy would' even though she surprisingly enough with her beauty has never been in her panties around any other guy besides her ex boyfriend which was honestly by accident, but she just assumed how guys are from friends and gossip.

"Sorry bro I was putting lotion on my legs and was letting them get some air before dressing for bed. I didn't think about what I was wearing when I opened the door" she quickly said trying to not leave an awkward moment of silence.

"Can you come help me with my closet door its literally stuck and wont open. Another reason im not fully dressed as well" Johns sister asked.

John talked his eyes into leaving her panties for a second and finally looking at her face. He said of course he would being the great brother that he is and walked in to her room. As he entered the door way he accidentally rubbed his left leg on her right leg and instantly felt how smooth her skin was and also had felt the solidness of her leg muscle as he had seen in his moms legs just moments ago. Johns mind was running so much now from talking to his mom to how his mom sounded about meeting in her room to now seeing his sister in panties and feeling her smooth skin against his. Its amazing he didn't just pass out from all this chaos but the chaos was about to get even more hectic. He got to her closet door and ended up getting it to open although he had to work for it which gave his sister, standing right behind him, a clear presentation of his muscles flexing in action causing her to unconsciously get a little worked up herself, obviously not to Johns knowing though. That's when the chaos got even more chaotic. When he finally got it open he put his hands on his knees as he bent over to catch his breathe and that's when he saw and realized his mom may be right about his sister being in the same spot he was. Where he stood he could clearly see straight through the pile of clothes that had no room to be hung and into the back of her sort of walk in closet. What he saw was about, to him, 6 inches of an imitation of a penis. He knew what dildos were but what he had not known was that his sister had one in hiding. What he now couldn't stop thinking about was how much she used it and how much smaller it looks than his own piece of meat when he gets it standing at full attention. He noticed though that the dildo had way more of a defined shaft as far as what appeared to be ribs on it. John just assumed he wasn't weird for his dick not looking like that and that it was only made that way for maximizing pleasure. This did make him wonder, however, if his dick would not be a pleasurable to a female as this smaller more rib liked shaft of a dick is. He also wondered now that his sister is going to be in the conversation with them that if his mom would address something like this but John gave up on trying to figure out how this talk would go by now. The talk, Shit. He thought.

Before letting his sister see that he was looking at her fuck toy he stood straight up and said, "shit sis its time to go to our parents room I almost forgot." He did honestly almost forget with everything happening in the past 10 minutes with his sister.

"Your right lets get going" his sister said as she reached in the closet grabbing a small, even tighter than her shirt, pair of shorts and put them on and led John out the door while he looked down and noticed how firm his sisters ass looked in those shorts.

Before he got to the end of the hallway he thought 'Shes my sister I need to stop thinking of this stuff for Christ sake'.

The three of them all were out side their parents bedroom and John thought to himself in the words of his mother, FINALLY.

The door was open and one by one they walked in and took their spot on the end of the bed letting their legs dangle and sitting in age descending order making John sit in the middle. This is how they sit every time they have a family chat in their parents room. In front of them and the bed there were 2 chairs that John figured out they had brought in from the living room. Between the chairs was the table that used to be beside their parents bed that acted as his moms wine bottle and glass holder. But now instead of half empty bottle and glass there was 5 glasses and 3 bottles of wine. John didn't waste anytime trying to figure out why. Whats the point he thought.

As he was giving up hope on figuring anything out his parents both walked out of the bathroom together. His mom in the same robe as 15 minutes prior but now with her long brown hair in a pony tail which made it easier to John to see just how pretty his mom was in the face. John never thought it was wrong to think a family member was pretty or beautiful, its just a compliment and the truth and it never meant anything sexual to John, that is until the thoughts he was having about his sister just minutes ago. What his dad was wearing almost made John chuckle as he had on grey silky shorts like John and his younger brother, but unlike John and more like his younger brother his dad was wearing a muscle shirt which clearly showed how strong his father was. John has always hoped to become as tall as his dad and as toned as well as good looking. Like stated previously, John was just honest and to him, his dad was a good looking guy which probably played a role in being able to obtain a catch like mom.

The parents didn't say anything until after walking across the room and sitting in the chairs. As their mom sat down she accidentally let the one side of her robe slip almost completely exposing herself to her kids. John knew now that she was in fact naked under the robe which was no surprise to him as she has done so since he can remember. But given the situations this night it caught his curiosity like never before. Before she quickly grabbed the runaway robe John was able to see almost the whole right breast but it seemed to have got stuck on the most important part as it did not fully reveal her nipple. His mom stood up made sure the robe was on more tight this time and sat down for a second time. Johns dad had also just sat down with a sigh of relief as his butt touched down on the chairs cushion.

"Well kids..." His mom spoke first. "Your father and I have decided that you all are at the age for that famous talk parents are to give to their children." John was so grateful that his mom made it seem like their parents idea and not throwing him under the bus.

"The talk?" Mike said

"You don't know what she means?" Gail teased at her youngest sibling.

"Now now" his dad interrupted what could have turned out to be a tiny harmless argument between the two. "Mike the talk is an important conversation for kids your age to help shed light on questions or curiosities that you may have and also, us parents, to give advice."

"uhhh I think I know what your getting at but why with family?" Mike replied to his fathers explanation of the talk.

"Because we, as your parents, will never lie to you or give false information like others may do intentionally or unintentionally". With mom saying that it was almost as if you could see Mike go from sketched out about having this talk with family to almost full excitement wanting to start the talk as soon as possible.

"Now, just to make sure we are all on the same page, we are going to be addressing the topic of sex. Its meaning, how it happens, what to do, how to prevent certain things, how to not hurt ones self or another, etc. Basically anything you kids are unsure of now is the time to ask. If you do not feel ready or are uncomfortable having this chat with all of us at once then you may leave and we can chat in private whenever you decide you want to." Mom always made the kids feel at ease and safe.

With that said none of them budged. John was more than ready to get the show on the road.

"I take it your all ready to have the talk then since no one has darted out of the room" Their dad said this while sort of chuckling.

"With that taken care of your father and I have also agreed that because this can be a hard thing to talk about that you kids should get a little loosened up and relax a bit. So, since you all are not too young for this one time and one time only until you are of age, we decided we all will drink some wine and chat normally until one of you is relaxed enough to ask whatever is on their mind." Their mom has now answered one of the, continuing to pile up in his head, questions he has had.

The kids all were a bit shy at first to jump in and partake in the wine drinking. It took their parents normal chatting with them to help them relax enough to even drink the wine. As the conversations went from sports with the men and fashion and gossip with the women time actually went by relatively quick. It was about 45 minutes since they had entered the room and after some chit chat and some drinking, actually turned out to be more drinking than chit chat, every one was clearly and visibly relaxed as John could see that their father was more slouched in the chair than previous, his sister now was leaning back on her hands still sitting but her legs seemed to be split a bit more, his mother was now sitting between John and Gail as she was talking with her about anything they decided to gossip about which made John move over on the bed and caused Mike to be on the chair where his mother was sitting before. None of them were drunk but they definitely have all reached the stage of feeling buzzed, some more than others, but again not drunk.

John being the one originally to want to have the talk finally thought it was time for him to ask one of many of the questions he has been compiling over the years of self satisfaction, reading dirty mags, and dreaming both night and day. He had no idea what he wanted to ask first or what would be easier to talk about first but by all means he certainly did not want to ask this one first and with out any ease into the topic on that matter.

So out of no where John taps his mom on her shoulder interrupting the girls chit chat and blurts out, "How would I be able to make a girl orgasm".

As the words escaped his mouth, John blushed and figuratively shoved his foot in his mouth. He felt so embarrassed since no one said anything but every one stopped with their current conversation and half were looking at him and the other at their mom.

Shocked to hear that out of no where it took his mom a bit to gather herself to answer such an up front and to the point question.

"Well then looks like we have one brave child so far" She joked while looking at her husband who was more or less just wanting to hear her answer as he sat up right lowered his elbows onto his knees and leaned forward.

"To begin, I have to ask you kids if you all already know the basic terminology as well as the basics of what can go in and where it can go in and also what could potentially come out 9 months later if done wrong."

"Of course we do mom, the kids at school don't talk to each other about horses and math" Gail made it clear that the kids have, in fact, the knowledge of the basics.

"Well then to address your question son. Since you all know the basics we can move into the details then, my apparently not so innocent young children" Mom always thought she was funnier than she was.

"To make a girl orgasm is not the hardest thing to do nor is it in some cases the easiest. But to give pleasure to a girl that eventually gives her that ultimate rush of an orgasm you have to do more than just have sex. Now sometimes, you all will find out, when your young the first couple of times for either girl or boy, an orgasm will happen rather easy. As I was saying though there are different things you should do to give the girl an orgasm."

"Like what" To Johns surprise his sister actually asked what. She seemed so intent in what there mom was talking about as if she wanted to find out more ways to orgasm rather than using that, leaning on the small side, dildo of hers.

Even though John was thrown off guard by his sister joining in and asking that right off the start he also asked his mom the same thing followed by his little brother saying 'yeah mom what do you mean'.

Now John and all the kids kind of had an idea on other things like licking and sucking the nipple and fingering but all of them unknowingly only knew that those were things to do but not how to do them. So it came to no surprise to them all when their mother went on to list everything out.

"Well you can do all sorts of things. One thing to do is putting however many fingers can fit into the girls pussy..." With that word, pussy, John and the others knew that this was a free to say whatever conversation and John figured the wine was probably part to blame on their parents allowing such... vulgar or graphic talk.

Their mother continued, "...but not to much to where you are causing the girl pain. You can pinch, caress, suck, lick and gently nibble on hit nipples." Like stated before the kids already knew this and the look on Johns brother and sisters face he could not tell for sure that all three of them want to know how to do these things.

Their mother continued to list the items of foreplay and their dad surprised all the kids and their mom even looked a tad surprised when he added using a finger to penetrate the ass hole or if brave enough to use your own tongue to circle the rim.

John and his siblings started hearing their parents talking about pussy, asshole, fingering, sucking, licking, and a couple of times the word cock was thrown around. This made John, as well as the aide of the alcohol, get worked up in a way he never has before. He felt like he was doing something wrong but it felt so good to hear such words come out of his parents mouth and it excited him even more to be talking about, currently, foreplay. He quickly realized all of this and finally put two and two together and looked down and could feel and see that his penis must have heard everything also as it started to rise in his silk shorts. Wearing no boxers, the feeling of his penis rubbing against the silk made it impossible for him to control the erection. John decided the best thing to do was to change how he was sitting, so he crossed one leg so that his foot was on his knee and his almost full hard on was much more concealed.

However, his mother knew what was going on as she caught him in the act of shuffling around. In fact she had already noticed that Mike, sitting on the chair beside his dad, had already done the same thing, try to hide an erection. She also had figured by how intense Gail was with what was being said and how much detail she wanted to hear that, as a female, knew that she was getting just as worked up.

They were a close family for sure but never before tonight has any one been turned on by what a family member has been saying and in Johns case with his sister, been turned on by a family member.

"Well honey are you still curious about how to make a girl orgasm?" Johns mom was looking at his lap at the beginning of the statement and at the end was looking at his face with a smile that seemed almost flirtation or at least more suggestive than he had ever seen from her.

John was experiencing nirvana. To him this thrill he is feeling was better than any he had felt even when jerking off to his favorite pornography. At the same time even with his parents being very open minded as well as the wine that he is still sipping on from time to time he was still shy to say what he wanted when he wanted. He was able to innocently muster out, "Well I kind of want to know exactly how to do those things not just what the things I can do are."

"Good point buddy. What help would we be if we gave you only the broad explanation." His father agreeingly replied.

Their mom looked at their dad and to this day John wonders if they would have done this with out the alcohol but never asked since it would have made no difference and to him, in the future, wouldn't want what was about to be done not happen at all.

"I think I have an idea but I would need to have all of your permission to do so." Their mom said still looking at her husband. "What I have in mind is to get a little more illustrative for you all. I think it would be best to show you rather than tell you... which is why I need to know if you kids and even you, my hunk of a husband, are ok if some of us or all of us strip down entirely and continue this naked"

Both his brother and sister's jaw dropped but John was so shocked he didn't have the ability to even drop his jaw.

"Well babe I am on your side with everything and you always know whats best so it is up to the kids" their dad said while sharing a look at each of the boys and of course the only other girl in the room, Gail.

John thought and thought and thought until finally it nailed him in the head that this could possibly mean seeing both his mom and sister in the nude. He thought about the chance he might see his moms tits right beside him out in the open for anyone to see and equally as good, he might see his sisters as well. 'Tits?' he thought 'hell id see more than tits id see their ass and possibly their pussies as well' John now reached, what earlier was thought to be impossible to him, an even higher level of excitement. In the small time from his Dad speaking to now he had already pictured both his sister and mom naked and man was he happy about his thoughts as he felt his dick get harder than ever before. And that's when he realized that he would in turn also be seeing his father and possibly brother naked to. This, however, did not turn him away from excitement but shockingly, to him, made him wonder how big their dicks were in comparison to his. He went on to think about both his mom and sister and his dad and brother for a time and eventually could not take it anymore.

"I think that I could do that" John said being the leader of the kids as usual.

His brother and sister looked up to him so much that he should have known they would agree with whatever he says but it was still a shock to him when he heard his sister than his brother both finally agree to the new terms.

'Holy fuck this is happening' was all John was able to think from there on out.

"Ok then I guess ill start" John heard this being said but not from anyone he would have thought. It was his sister who volunteered first to strip nude! He started feeling some what numb from all the goosebumps and excitement. He could hardly contain himself. This was the best idea he had ever had.

"We got a brave princess in our mix" their dad said with a smile.

"She gets that from her mother" She said to her husband with a suggestive wink, "but I think since she was brave enough to volunteer first that I will undress with her then the boys can have their turn".

"Sounds good to me! How about you guys?" Their dad asked John and Mike.

Both John and his brother nodded since they both apparently lost the ability to speak.

With that, their mom stood up and grabbed Gail's hand to help her off the bed. The two stood there in front of the boys still clothed and looked at each other. John thought at that moment seeing his mom and sister look into each others eyes knowing they were about to strip together was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. Its not just two girls he is seeing. This is his MOTHER and his SISTER, his MOTHERS DAUTHER! His family was about to get naked together and looking at his mom and sister staring at each other for those brief seconds, how intense his sisters eyes were staring into his moms, and the innocence that radiated off of his sister in a moment where innocence had left the building, it was then that he knew just by the way they stood there staring that he wanted this badly and started to want more.

His mom made sure one last time that his sister wanted to do this. She looked at John first and saw the lust in his eyes and then looked at her dad and saw lust as well but seemed, to her, different then what she saw in Johns. Lastly, Gail looked at Mike who still somehow had his jaw practically on the floor, she giggled a bit looked back at her mom and nodded.

John sat there and watched as his mom kissed Gail on the forehead while moving both her hands to the bottom of Gails shirt. As their mom grabbed the thin white tee and slowly started lifting it up, Gail glanced once more to John. This time the glance meant a lot more to John. He felt so confused right then and there as she almost looked like she wanted to be naked for him or that she was happy he she finally got to be naked in front of him. 'Has she always wanted to be naked for me' 'Has she wanted me to be naked for her' John thought as he glance faded back to their moms eyes. Those thoughts quickly disappeared from his mind as he now looked down to his mothers hands and can see that her shirt has made it past her belly button exposing her belly button ring with her birthstone as well as he skin that was perfectly tan and with out touching it, John could see that like her leg he brushed against earlier that her stomach looked just as smooth. Her shirt now has made it to her bra. Black. John about died. His mom pulled Gail's shirt completely off. Their mom had taken her own daughters shirt off... and in such a slow seductive way. After the sexy way his mom had done that and seeing his sister stand there in, now, just her bra and shorts he felt pre cum escape his cock.

John thought how sexy what he just saw was but knew there was more and worried that he might end up blowing his load just by seeing this happen.

His mom had now bent over and again seductively slid her shorts down almost to make it clear to those watching the shorts stretch around Gail's firm ass that was the perfect size for a bit more than a hand full. Johns sister stepped out of her shorts and stood there in just her bra and panties.

"I think ill shuck this robe before continuing" John forgot anyone could speak words until his mom said this breaking the intense sexual silence everybody was hypnotized with.

His mom turned to his dad giving Gail the back side of her while John and his brother saw the side of their mom giving their dad the best side. Her front. John watched as his mom slowly undid the robe. He did everything he could to keep him from rubbing his dick as it stood harder than ever begging for him to just jerk off. His mom made sure to be as slow as she was with Gail's undressing and slid the robe off in a way that first exposed her shoulders and ever so gently let the robe drop lower and lower until John saw what he never would have imagined giving him this much pleasure. There in front of him from a side angle he traced his eyes from his moms face down to her chest and followed her curves the rest of the way noticing his moms nipples were hard and further down from the angle he was at could tell she had some pubic hair and to the back figured out where his sisters ass came from. His mother stood there for a brief second and John and everyone else just stared at her taking every inch of her nude body in.

"Your so beautiful baby" Johns dad said.

Him mom said thanks and did a very sexy twist. This gave for a moment the glimpse for John to see her pubic hair was cut into what looked to be a landing strip. Furthermore he about passed out from all of this when he saw the lips of his mom's pussy in clear sight right in front of him. None of the kids knew but their mother and father were getting just as worked up about all of this.

"Now we need to get you naked too" His mom said looking at Gail who was eyeing her naked moms body up and down and side to side.

Johns mom reached with both arms around his sis causing both of their tits, one bare the other covered by the bra, to be against each other. His mom seemed to like it as much as every one else had as she ever so slightly moved up and down causing her nipples to rub against her own daughters bra. This unfortunately came to an end when the bra was unclasped and she backed away from her daughter letting the bra drop to the floor along with Johns jaw.

John was in love. His sisters tits were everything he had recently thought they would be be so much better at the same time. Like their mom, Gail's nipples were also protruding from her boobs. John noticed a very small beauty mark below her nipple on her left tit and still to this day does not know why but it turned him on even more. Again once thought impossible. This thing they were doing this taboo was more than John ever fantasized and is experiencing a whole new turn on.

John was so infatuated with his sisters tits right there in front of him and wishing he could just touch them and suck on them that he didn't even realize that his mom has Gail's panties down to her thighs. When he looked down to watch the panties drop at the hands of his mom he noticed she was looking up at Gail almost as if she was trying to see her face but from the looks of it was seeing a lot more than that gorgeous face. John was watching his mom stare into his sisters pussy while pulling her panties down. UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE is all he could sort out in his scrambled mind.

His mom finally got his sister completely nude and turned to the boys and said, "Alright lets get you boys naked quick so Gail doesn't feel uncomfortable."

John looked at Gail after his mom said that and knew that his sister was not uncomfortable since she was now looking at John, yet again, and had a smile that made sure John knew she wanted to see him naked. She had not looked at the others since being stripped by her mom but only John. He found this to be extremely helpful for his increasingly high sexual excitement.

Their dad stood up and said, "Like your mother, I will strip down first".

Not slow. Not seductive. Their father stripped as if it was any other time he had done it in private. Before John knew it he was looking at his dads cock. To Johns relief, he could see he was not the only one with a full hard on. His dads dick was fully erect as he stood there. John also was happy to see that he was nearly the same size of his dad, which was an impressive 9 inches with just the right amount of width. The only clear difference was that his dad had pubic hair where John kept himself clean shaven, as he thought it made his penis look bigger. John had not anticipated the sight of dick arousing him as it had not done so in the showers with his teammates, but it most surely did.

"Your turn boys, strip down like we all have." Their father said.

John looked at his brother and they both stood up. That's when John broke the stare him and his brother had and just looked down at the floor as he first took off his shirt providing the girls with another view of toned muscles and a very clear six pack. He wasted no time undressing, and like that he pulled his shorts down causing his dick to bounce out and smack against his stomach leaving a small spot on his stomach from his pre-cum. When John looked up fully nude he saw his brother standing across from him also naked and also carrying a nice size dick but not as big as his dads or Johns. Mike also had a tiny bit of pubic hair but not a lot and he wasn't as muscular as John but had more of a cute body rather than a muscular one.

They all stood there for a good minute taking in for the first time their own family members naked bodies and everyone was loving it but no one knew how much each of them were getting aroused by it.

Their mom instructed that Gail sit down at the edge of the bed beside John and for Mike to move the chair so that it was closer to the bed facing both Gail and John but also facing the chair their mom had now moved closer to the bed as well. John sat first and then his sister. When John sat down it caused the two sides of the bed to angle into where he was sitting. This caused his sister when she finally sat down to slide just enough to where John got the, yet again, sensational feeling of his sisters skin on his but this time it was her full leg against his, the side of her ass to his, and there arms were now pushed together. To Johns surprise, his sister made no attempt in moving away, instead sat there and smiled at John. He about lost control for the billionth time that night when her smiling face followed her seductive eyes towards his thick fully hard cock which only sat inches from her hand. John was praying that she would just grab it and start sucking on his dick until he blew his load down his own sisters throat. These thoughts were causing his cock to twitch a little every now and then. John was also surprised that his mom and dad allowed for them to sit this close to each other naked.

Mike finally brought the chair over and sat down. John thought to himself that his brother should be jealous of him since he has to sit in the chair but finally realized that he is a bit jealous of Mike since the bed it a bit higher than the chair giving what John could only assume a perfect view of his sisters tight pussy. John wanted to see Gail's pussy up close, he wanted to smell his sisters pussy and lick and suck until he couldn't lick and suck anymore but he knew he better not just start eating out his sister.

Lastly their dad had sat down on the last chair and left the kids now wondering where their mom had planned on sitting. That was quickly answered as their mom reached down with one hand and wrapped 3 fingers around there dad's prick while gently and carefully putting one leg over him so when she finally sat down she had her back on his chest with one arm around his head and she was sitting high enough that it looked as if their dad decided to stand up their mom would be on his dick like a horse. The kids could see the shaft of their dads dick was snug against their mom's pussy lips which were glistening from how wet she has gotten over this.

"Ok. Now what would you like to know how to do? Whatever it is I will show you on your father." Their mom spoke out.


30 seconds go by.


John figured he had better say something so this would not end so soon.

"How do you actually do the things you said to do with the nipple correctly so the girl gets pleasure from it." That was extremely hard for John to get out with his cotton mouth and shaky voice.

Their dad said to their mom, "You know maybe its best if we lay on the floor for them to see".

She didn't say a word just got up and laid down on the floor with her head away from John close to Mike, giving John the view of his mother that he felt a bit jealous of Mike getting that view with their sister.

John looked down and could see his all of his moms pussy but not just a glimpse. He was surprised to see that it was not loose like the girls he jerks off to in fact it looks way better than those. He fell in love with this sight and thought nothing would ever be able to beat it.

Their dad laid down beside their mom but on his side leaving his, still very erect, cock lay on their moms belly. When their dad was getting down though he had accidentally bumped the bed with his foot hard enough to cause Gail to almost fall off the bed on to her feet. John was the happiest kid in the world when his sister decided to grab hold of her brothers thigh to keep her on the bed then to just fall onto her feet and get back up. When Gail grabbed Johns thigh they both felt her fingers brush down the shaft of his dick. This caused John to let out a sigh only loud enough for Gail to hear, making John blush but making Gail do that sexy smile she had done previously.

"Alright John and whoever else wants to know this watch closely as I show you how to use your mouth and hands to stimulate the girl." Their dad said this and right away placed one hand on their moms right tit and started massaging her breast while pinching her pointy nipple with his fingers from time to time. Their dad then lowered his head down but made sure the kids could see while he was playing with their moms one tit he started rubbing his tongue all over her other nipple. He cupped his free hand around the same boob he was sucking on and started doing the same as he was still doing with their moms other breast but also still sucking on her nipple.

All the kids were now equally as turned on. Mike actually let out a small moan just from watching this, which their mom heard and looked up at him smiling and said she feels that way too. That was so hot to John his mom was now not just his mom but a person he will now forever want to fuck, no not fuck, make love to. He felt the same way with his sister.

Their dad kept sucking and playing with their moms tits and their mom was definitely getting a lot out of it as she had started to wiggle and arch her back forcing more of her tits in their dads face. She started to moan softly and breathe heavy. The kids all thought it was the sexiest noise they had ever heard.

Finally their dad stopped and pulled his head up.

"Well babe what do you say? Should we allow interactive learning?" Their mom asked their dad.

NO WAY. This is what John wanted to happen since they were all naked. Oh Please dad, he thought, please say yes!!!!

His dad looked at all his kids and saw their eyes begging for interactive learning.

"Judging by their faces, I would be evil to say no! Why not let them." Their dad said giving all their kids, even Gail immense arousal and excitement.

With that their mom, almost as if she had been wanting it as much as him, got up and walked right over to John. She put her hand on the shaft of his cock and looked deep into his eyes.

"Are you ready sweetie?" She asked and before John could spit a word out she already had her lips on the head of his hard dick.

'Wow. Wow. Wow.' Was all John could think while his mom was now deep throating his cock and massaging his balls with the other hand.

When John was able to open his eyes he was mind blown at the scene of his younger brother getting his dick sucked by Gail. Not only was his sister sucking her brothers dick, his brother was sucking his dad's cock at the same time.

This was way more than anything John could have imagined. He had no idea that it would come to the point that his mother would be blowing him, his sister would be blowing his brother, and his brother would be blowing dad.

The sight of this sent John through the ceiling with excitement and he grabbed the back of his moms head and yelled...

"Im cumming!!!!"

Johns mom pulled her head off his dick just in time to catch his jizz that shot out like a firework all over her tits.

She smiled at John with her eyes locked on his and licked the rest of the cum off the head of his cock.

"Baby you came quick" His mom said as she turned and saw the threesome that caused John to explode on his mothers tits.

"Was it your sister blowing your brother or your brother blowing your dad that got you to do that?" She asked John.

"It was mostly feeling your tongue slide up and down my shaft and your lips encircling my cock as you deep throated me but the sight of my sister and brother and father sucking each other off finished it." John said. He finally got past the part of being modest and being afraid to say what he wanted to.

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