Katie tries to explain what she meant

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Embarrassed, Nervous, Slightly Horny Apparel and Items: Buck Naked, Shaved, Ponytails
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Use Bathroom Arousal Causing Issues
Level of Humiliation Light-Headed

Katie didn't like the way he had just removed his only cover (and the look he was giving her!) so she decided to try and explain what she meant. She opened her mouth to talk but she found herself stopping. Her being lightheaded wasn't helping and she was struggling to sound MUCH younger than what she was. The man was only a few feet away when she finally realized that if she didn't say something, bad stuff would happen.

"Please help me find my daddy!" she mustered, her voice cracking part-way through.

The man paused for a second, his feet coming to a stop. Forcing herself to look up, Katie saw that the man had a confused look on his face. Now that she saw his face up close, he didn't look that mean, he looked nice in fact, but to hammer her point in she glanced at the lights to make her cry. Her silent weeping led to her dropping her head and covering her face. She hoped this act was working, but as she felt a hand on he shoulder she was really worried. However, a second later she felt a towel wrap around her body, covering her nudity. Spreading her fingers, she saw the man had actually taken off his towel to wrap around her.

"Where did you last see your dad?" the man said in a sweet voice, kneeling in front of her and covering his own genitalia with his leg.

She had to think fast, a lot of outcomes were possible here. A lot of her options led to her being taken to the staff and that would be way too early to get her clothes, plus she would be yelled at by her aunt for being caught. Another option was that she bullshits him to keep her in the locker room, maybe looking for her 'dad', but then how would she get away from him after five minutes were up? Lastly, she could just leave the locker room with her towel, but that would make her lose the deal and leave her naked all day!

Katie Tries to Waste Time Without Giving Too Much Information to the Man

Katie Ends Up Being Taken to the Staff of the Water Park

Katie turns around and runs back out of the locker room

The Man Figures Out Her Real Age

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