Incubus: Sail south to the Isle of Caen

From Create Your Own Story

Steering the Incubus around the sunken reefs, you turn her bow to the south. The Island of Caen is only a week's journey with a strong tailwind. That still leaves you with the unenviable task of choosing one of your men to sate your demon at least three times before you reach port. Of course, it doesn't have to be the same crewman each time.

You spend most of the afternoon watching them men and speaking with a few. Your first assessment is correct--brigands and thieves, every one of them; shit scraped from the boot heel of society. Aside from your cabin boy, Kaerillian, and your cook, Takita, only one is worth your interest.

Ellis appears only a handful of years younger than you, but when you look in his soulful gray eyes you see a wisdom only found in old men. He's thin and pale, his long black hair pulled back in a braid, and if you hadn't seen him standing in the light of the noon sun with your own eyes, you would have sworn he was a vampire.

As the sun sinks toward the horizon and the sky begins to silver above the shadowy smudge that is the continent of Reddore, you turn the wheel over to Cole and descend to the main deck, where Kaerillian is seated upon the edge of the cargo hatch, regaling the crew with tales of his exploits.

Takita emerges from below deck, carrying a pail of dirty water and vegetable peelings, which he empties over the side. He stands a moment, the wind tossing his long ponytail, and stares out over the water before turning and heading back to the kitchen.

Your demon has become restless. You should probably choose which of the three likely prospects you want to pursue if you hope to get them into your bed before your hunger reaches a desperate level and forces you to feed on your first mate, Cole. He knows what you are and has served to sate your demon many times, though you prefer to seek pleasure elsewhere--he is an uncompromising top, and while you don't mind taking it in the ass once in a while, you still like the feel of a hot, tight body around your cock.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Restless
Location The Incubus: Main Deck
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