Head around the corner to the pawn shop.

From Create Your Own Story

You slink out of the building and back into the night, following Marla. She moves slowly, staying against the wall, flicking off her flashlight each and every time she hears a noise nearby. You're amazed at how capable she is, how fearless and calm she remains.

"Were you in the army, or something?" you whisper as you slink along the alleyways behind her.

"No," she whispers back, pausing for a second to peak up over a trash can. "Why?"

"You're just really good at this," you offer.

"Good at not trying to die?" she asks, giving you a confused look.

"No, like, good at..." you shake your head. "Never mind."

She slinks along further, before stopping suddenly and reach back to put her hand on your chest, stopping you as well. Slowly, she lifts her hand and points her finger ahead. You lean out from the shadows just a little and look down the alleyway.

In the crux of two alleyways meeting, two women lay on the ground. Six men and two women stand over them in various states of undress, spattered with blood and gore. The largest man holds a fire ax, and one of the women carries a baseball bat. Through the rain, you can hear the two women lying on the ground whimpering, begging for their lives softly.

"Shit," Marla whispers quietly.

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