HS/RK/M: Mr. Stephenson, your first period math teacher confronts you on why you missed his class.

From Create Your Own Story

Your mind goes blank, you have no idea what to say to Mr. Stephenson about why you are late.

He waits for a full minute, hands on hips, waiting for a response. When you still stay quite he sighs and says "Fine, then come here."

You follow him to his classroom. He pulls out a pad and said, "I don't want to do this but if you don't have a good reason for missing class I am going to have to write you up and give you a detention."

"So..." he says. "do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Backpack, off-white skinny jeans, light blue polo shirt, and a walkman.

Status late & in trouble.
Gender Male
Social Group Rich Kid
Boyfriend/Girlfriend None
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