Go to a restaurant with your daughter

From Create Your Own Story

The weed has made you and your daughter hungry. You drive to an expensive Italian restaurant. The maitre'd in his tuxedo shows you to a candlelit booth set with red linen, white china and sparkling crystal.

You order 2 plates of lasagna. You have a casual conversation with your daughter about her dreams and goals in life. The waiter returns with your food. It is very delicious. You order some wine for you and your daughter to wash the food down with. After a few glasses of wine you can tell Valerie has become a bit tipsy as she slurs her words as she orders dessert.

Halfway through dessert, Valerie suddenly whispers to you. "Psst. That couple to your right. Don't look now! The two eating the pizza." You look around for a moment just to take a glance at them.

"What about them?" you whisper back to your daughter.

Valerie leans over the table, keeping her voice in a low whisper. Her young breasts press against the top of her shirt as she bends forward. "They have been staring at us all night. Do you know what I think?" She winks.

"What do you think?" you inquire.

"I think they think you are my date, not my dad." She smiles. "From the looks on their faces now, I'm pretty sure of it."

You smile back at your daughter.

"You know," she says as the waiter picks up your credit card, "we could really drive them crazy. You want to?"

You nod your head saying, "What is the plan?"

"Just follow my lead," she says with a wink.

She slides out of her chair and comes over to sit on your lap, kissing you on the lips for several seconds.

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