Go find the feast hall

From Create Your Own Story

It takes a while, but you find the feast hall. However, you must have been robbed of your weapon. "Welcome!" bellows a man on a throne, a raven n either side. He has an eyepatch over his right eye, and has close-cut dark hair. "Have a seat! Join us in our feast, but first, tell us of your heroic deeds!" you decide he must be a god--Odin, in fact.

You take your seat. When you start to tell your tale, you think... where to start? The time leading up to the battle? The actual fight with Surtr?

The other einherjar and Odin stare at you expectantly. You should hurry. You open your mouth and say...

Einherjar Status
Energy {{{Energy}}} Equipment:


World {{{World}}}
Level 1
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