Go enjoy the rest of the carnival and come back at midnight

From Create Your Own Story

"Well, OK," you say. "I'll be back."

"You'd better had," the girl says. She gives you a kiss. "Because now you owe me a dollar!"

You laugh and head off to the rest of the carnival. The rides are fun, and you see a fair number of hot girls, but the thought of the kissing booth girl waiting for you keeps you from pursuing them. You realise as you fantasise about her more and more that you still don't know her name.

When you return to the booth as midnight approaches, her face lights up with a smile. "So here's that dollar I owe you," you say.

She takes your dollar and adds it to the fairly large stack she's accumulated. "Exactly how many men have you kissed tonight?" you ask.

"Enough," she says. "But none of them were as good as you, obviously." She gives you a cheeky smile.

"Well, gee, thanks," you say.

"Some of the girls, though..."

This time you can't tell if she's joking or not; you decide to change the subject. "You know, I never asked your name."

"Libby," she says as she starts to pack up the booth.

"Short for Elizabeth?"

She rolls down the awning. "Let's say yes."

"What's it really short for?" you ask.

"Liberty," she admits with a groan. "My parents were hippies. Weirdly patriotic hippies."

"Well, Liberty, now that you're at liberty--"

"Don't do that," she says with a glare.

"Sorry," you say, "Libby."


"Now that you're ... not at work any more ..." you say eventually, after tripping over all sorts of phrases she might have taken the wrong way as jokes about her name.

"Is this you working up to asking 'Your place or mine?'"

"Yes," you say.

"I'll save you the bother. Your place or mine?"

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Kissing Booth

MP 0
Level 4
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