Give Tyrone a vicious kick in the balls

From Create Your Own Story

You turn to face Tyrone and give him a quick smile to put him off guard. His massive frame relaxes slightly and you use the instant you gain to swing your leg upwards, aiming for his crotch. Unfortunately, Tyrone is 7 feet tall and you are short and squat. In order for your foot to reach that high, you are thrown off balance. Your foot does make contact with his groin, but not as powerfully as you wanted, and you end up falling backwards onto your ass.

Tyrone looks down at you and laughs. "Ha! Did you just try to kick me in the nuts? Serves you right you fell down, you fat whore."

He stops laughing abruptly and his body explodes into a red mist. You look up to see the "preacher" standing over you. He helps you to your feet.

"Okay, what's going on?" you ask him. "Who are you really? I can make a good guess."

"You're right," he replies. "One of the lesser devils tried to mislead you into sending me back down. Luckily, you saw through that. The two people Tyrone met at the Jones' house are two of the four horsemen. They are true threats to my power. I'd really appreciate it if you could bring them to me before they realize their power. If you can't, take them out."

"I'll do what I can," you tell him.

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