Get back on the plane with Buster

From Create Your Own Story

You don't like the idea of being trapped at that camp for days. You can go back to McMurdo and do some investigation there, asking around about what everyone knows. When there's a longer weather window, you figure you can go back out to Camp 403. "I'll go back with Buster," you announce.

You wave goodbye to Holly, Mike, and the four soldiers as you get on the plane. Looking out the window as the aircraft takes off, you watch the tents become smaller and smaller until they disappear.

You spend your time at McMurdo questioning anyone who will talk to you, but no one has any useful information. The coroner refuses to let you look at the bodies. As the snow and wind howl outside, you wonder what Mike and Holly have found.

Three days later, the storm clears and a plane flies out to Camp 403 to pick them up. When you finally hear it return, you and Buster eagerly run out to the airstrip...only to see the pilots coming out and no one else.

"They just disappeared," says the captain. "All six of them. Vanished without a trace. We searched that camp for hours, but there was no sign of them. We're going back out there tomorrow with a much larger security team. One way or another, we'll solve this mystery."

You make plans to go with them, but fate has other ideas. That evening, you are just finishing dessert in the mess hall when you hear screams from outside. Racing to the window, a cold chill runs down your spine when you see blue lights flashing in the sky.

A second later, power to the entire base goes out. More screams. There is the sound of glass breaking and something heavy crashing.

You hear something behind you. It sounds like breathing. Heavy breathing. You turn around slowly, hoping not to see what you think you're going to see.

Sure enough, you see a pair of red eyes. Glowing red eyes.


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