Furry World/Male Raccoon/Keep watching the hyenas for another opening

From Create Your Own Story

Pluzo is focusing on sticking his dick into your companion's unwilling body, but Minas is too close to you and has turned more towards you now. You decide that it's still too risky to spring into action. But you have a much better view of what's going on now.

Pluzo grips Tara's hips and starts to ease himself forward. You watch as that rather impressive cock slides smoothly forward, spearing into the cat's folds and spreading them apart. He rumbles pleasantly as he sinks inch by inch into her cunny, his own wetness lubricating her passage well.

Tara whimpers. "Please! Take it out!" She wiggles under Minas, but is unable to move very much at all in his grasp.

Pluzo slaps her rump, the sound echoing throughout the room. "Quiet, bitch! We're in charge here!" He pushes himself harder into her, sinking his throbbing erection a few inches deeper. But Tara continues to whimper and plead, those whimpers rising in intensity with each push of that cock invading her.

Pluzo looks up to Minas. "She's making too much noise, brother. Shut her up." He sinks his shaft the rest of the way inside and just holds himself there, seeming to relish the feel of her.

Minas says, "Don't gotta tell me twice." He changes his grip on her wrists so he can hold her with one hand, while he undoes his pants with the other, exposing his own canine erection to her. He then pulls her against him, forcing that dick into her muzzle. "Suck it, kitty," he commands.

Pluzo begins to thrust in and out of Tara's tunnel, and Minas matches his rhythm, thrusting his own shaft into her mouth each time his brother pulls back, making her breasts sway back and forth. All Tara can do now is make a few muffled whimpers as she's forced to endure it.

Despite the horror of watching this scene unfold, you feel your own member stiffening in your pants. Why is this turning you on? It's so wrong, but... somehow exciting.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:

Dagger, Ruby

Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 75 Equipment:

Tattered clothes

Gender Female
Species Cat
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