Follow the first path, which is very narrow and twisty

From Create Your Own Story

You're not quite ready to go back and try the path with the warrior carving, and you don't like the smell coming from the wider path. You elect to try the narrow passage.

Ten minutes later, you are wondering if you made the right decision. The path is so narrow that you have to carry your backpack and you keep scraping your chest and ass on the cavern walls. Sometimes being a curvaceous woman is a disadvantage.

Just when you're considering turning around, the passage widens, then splits into two forks. You shine your flashlight around. The path to the right is straight, but there's a small section that's so narrow you'll have to go through sideways...if you can fit at all.

To the left, the way begins with a narrow stone bridge over a deep chasm before continuing into a cave heading deeper into the mountain.

You shine your flashlight down into the chasm. If there is a bottom, it's too far to see. You drop a small stone into it, but never hear the impact.

Oh, that's very reassuring.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

A light backpack with essential supplies, plus your new revolver

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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