FVMA Good Ending

From Create Your Own Story

You wake up with the sun shining in your face. You blink and find yourself in a deck chair, just outside your dorm. Was it a dream? you ask yourself. Then you feel the soreness coming from your crotch, the marks on your wrists, and realize that it was real. You can finally start crying, sobs shaking your body.

It's a long time before you can gather yourself, still dressed in your skimpy bedclothes, and make your way shoeless up to your room. Thankfully, no one notices you, and no one asks any questions, so you're able quickly strip your clothes off, grab a towel, and head to the shower.

As the water races over you, you cry some more, trying to scrub off where he touched you. It's only after the minutes pass that you realize you still don't know who raped you and they know where you live. In that moment, you realize that your life will never be the same again.

The End

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