Dive out of one of the windows while naked

From Create Your Own Story

You dive out of your side window like a ninja and sneak around to the front of the house.

For a moment you freeze, terrified at the thought of them seeing you, but by some miracle the workers fail to notice the hot naked chick tiptoeing by the side of the house.

Instead they turn to grab some tools from the work van and you take the opportunity to crawl into the prickly bushes. A cool breeze gives you goosebumps as you hide outside in your birthday suit. With extra effort, you wriggle your way through the greenery and weigh your options as you wait for the correct opportunity.

The workers enter the house, but you can hear the van still running. Stealing it is one option. They might return to it in a minute or two.

Your elderly neighbor George has a pool in his backyard. It might be fun to go skinnydipping.

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Nude Asian Geek Girl
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