Despite being Leon's, it's your child, too

From Create Your Own Story

No, you can't abort the baby. Even if it's Leon's, the child is innocent of what his father did, and you decide not to abort it. You quickly remember the check Leon gave you, though, and realize that will certainly help. So, you quit your job before anyone realizes your pregnant, and start getting ready for motherhood. Christina is eager to help out as well, and is a blessing on the very difficult nights. Times when you just break down and cry over what Leon did.

One day, when you're six months pregnant, you see on the news that Leon's father has been taken to court for what seems to be a list of crimes longer than the population of the state. It's then you see Leon for the first time since that night, but you don't say anything to Christina. Even when she asks, "See that bastard anywhere?"

"No. He's not there." you quickly reply. You aren't sure why, either. Maybe it had something to do with what the butler discussed with you before you left.

The trial goes on and on, for months and months. Until the day you have your baby. Christina rushes you to the hospital, and you go into labor for fourteen hours, before safely delivering a healthy baby boy. His fur is red and white and has a bushy tail, just like your, but he looks like his father. But it doesn't matter, because when you hold him for the first time, all feelings of hate for the father vanishes.

"Kit." you tell Christina, who was faithfully beside you through the entire labor.

"What?" she asks.

"That's his name. Kit."

She smiles as she pets your son's head. "It's cute."

"I'm glad I had him, Chris." you say as you gently kiss Kit's little head.

"Me too."

After all is settled, and you've recovered, you and Chris return home. You turn on the news to see that the trail has come to a close, and that Leon's father has been found guilty on all charges. Leon's been charged with a few things as well, mainly misdemeanor. Nothing is ever brought up about rape. He should only get a few months at most. But with his father going behind bars, he's going to lose everything he had.

"Serves them right." Christina says, as she feeds Kit.

"Y-yeah." you quietly respond.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Simple dress

Gender Female
Species Fox
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