D&D: MHW : Leave them on Arahel for now

From Create Your Own Story

You decide the opportunity is far too great to be skipped on. Although you definately don't like this empty shell.

Looking at arahel:"Allright, listen to me. I want you to act like yourself and keep working on your things master."

For a second nothing happen and you hold your breath. Then, Arahel's eye suddenly light up and her expression returns to normal. "Oh sorry. I must've have zoned out."

You sigh of relief and look her way :" How do you feel ?"

"I am in a good mood. why?" she asks and smile your way. good. she's back to normal... and under your control still.

"Good. Before I let you get back to work master... I'd like to know a few things..."

"Certainly. whatever you want." she says non-challantly.

Since you are going to be the master now... you should be aware of everything.

You ask about the tower. How some of it functions. What kind of magic item the tower has, what kind of rare possession your master have hidden from you. You also ask about her finance... Arahel always dabble in expansive jewelry and clothings, you figure she must be rich.

You are distrought to learn that your master is not as rich as you thought she was...

You ask her to give you the full tour of the tower and she does, even to her personal room. you've never been here but you've occasional caught glimpse inside. THe room is warm and big. much bigger then yours and she boast an impressive collection of outfit... all more daring then the others.

So now it is like this. You are the master of the tower until you remove the bracelet from your master. And Arahel is your obedient servant. When she will not obey you, she will continue to work on new enchantements and whatever she was working on before she got the bracelet. You should be wary of your master's enemy as well. Someone did tried to curse her like so.

This is the 1st day of your new life.

D&D: MHW : 1st day : You should make extensive use of your new servant. Summon Arahel to her room.

D&D: MHW : 1st day : You have Arahel accelerate your training so as to make you a stronger wizard

D&D: MHW : 1st day : Try to solve some of the tower's money trouble.

D&D: MHW : 1st day : Skip to day 2

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