D&D: Let Nagul cum in your mouth

From Create Your Own Story

You decide you want to know what kobolds cum taste like. You move your head to wrap your lips around his cock and start sucking him as fast as you can. Your hand reaches down and start jerking him to help him cum faster and it dosn't take long before he shoot his semen down your mouth. You hungrily let it invade your mouth, but your surprised at the amount of cum this little creature can secrete. Your mouth is filled in a second and you are overwhelmed by the fruity taste. Who knew kobold cum tasted so good. You note it in the back of your mind as you swallow as much of the thick sticky substance. As you try to hold it in, you gasp a little and spill some. You take the next few moments to lick his cock clean and make sure to get everything off.

Once you are done, you get back up and put yourself back in order. After making sure you have everything you look down the path Nagul pointed. You give one last look at the kobold with the huge dick snoring his ass off on the barrel.

D&D: Go down the tunnel the way the kobold pointed

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