D&D: FEW Valan stormcrest propose to send you to daggerford and meet with the lords there

From Create Your Own Story

"There is a diplomat leaving today for Daggerford. I'd like you to escort him on my behalf and protect him," he begins.

"I see. You are not coming?" you ask shyly.

"I will," he says with a smile at you. "But there is a few matters I need to attend before leaving as well. I will join you there."

"Very well."

Valan proceed to giving you the name and the address of the diplomat, a human named Eran. Valan writes you two letters. One for the diplomat, and one for the Daggerford officials you are meeting. He instruct you to give the letter to the Daggerford officials only when you will be alone with him. You take them with a smile and joyfully head out there to meet him. You walk across the rich district and finds the house. An armed escort and a coach has been prepared at the entrance.

You present yourself there to the chief of security and hand over the letter given to you by Valan that introduces you. The chief eyes your petite frame with a raised eyebrow but, seeing the official seal, lets you in.

Eran is a well-built man but not particularly good looking. He has that overachieving dandy kind of look. As he looks at you, he frowns lightly. "Why has Valan asked you to follow me? I can handle my own protection."

"Well, I've been asked to act as your escort. Maybe Valan believes a wizard might help where your men may not?" you add tentatively to sooth him.

He takes a bit to ponder and then finally accept.

The coach prepares to move.

D&D: FEW Diplomat escort: First day

D&D: FEW Diplomat escort: The trip is uneventful

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