D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: skip the day

From Create Your Own Story

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 6th day: skip the day

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 6th day: skip the stay in baldur's gate

The ships aproach the coast this morning. You head out to see the manoeuver as the crew dock the galley in a very large portlike city. Baldur's gate. You know this place by name but never been here yourself. You head to the deck where you see Sudan and Calrig talking. Seems like they will need a few days to resupply.

"Are we gonna stay here ?" you ask.

Calrig smiles at you : "For a few days. We need to stock up on supplies amongst other things." he says.

"Amongst other things ?" you question him. He smiles.

"I also have other matters to attend in town."

"Ohh. can I come with ? or do I have to stay here... " you ask.

Calrig hesitate for a moment :" hrm.. I'm not sure you'll find it interesting. what I have to do is boring."

Sudan :"hrm true. though if she goes with you, she won't distract the crew." Sudan adds with a grin that makes you blushes a little but you don't contest it. The crew has gotten a pretty good liking to the only elf girl of the ship. The only other woman passenger doesn't give them as much fun as you do.

Calrig: "Well I won't stop you if you want to come with."

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 6th day: Stay with the ship and help unload

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 6th day: Go with Calrig in town

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