Close your eyes and rest for a moment as you snuggle with Alicia

From Create Your Own Story

You press more closely against the beautiful sculptress and let your body relax and your eyes close...

You filter back to consciousness. A quick glance at your watch reveals you were asleep for about half an hour. You shift slightly and Alicia stirs against you.

Her soft voice reaches your ears. "Hello, Peter. Enjoy your nap?"

"I certainly did," you reply with a laugh. "Especially because I was next to you."

Alicia giggles. "Flatterer."

You nibble teasingly on her neck. "It ain't flattery if it's true."

Alicia lets out a soft moan. "That does feel good."

Health Horny with Spider-powers Location:

Baxter Building

MP 0
Level 5
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