Cartoonish and dirty

From Create Your Own Story

The edges take form, slowly, until you've gotten the outlines of the entire sketch.

It's a tall woman, in your head she's nineteen, only two years older than you, surrounded by sketches of various dicks. One is long and bulbous, the kind you imagine on an orc or troll from those adventure story books you sometimes read. You draw another one that looked like a horse's penis, according to what you've heard. There was really no reason you would actually know, and you briefly wonder how some of the other girls you've talked to do. There are multiple regular dicks as well, but the most complex was a spiraled and barbed penis of what was supposed to be a giant duck.

You remember from your bio class one of your classmates telling you about how male ducks forced themselves onto female ducks with penises made to stay inside no matter what. You draw the enlarged cock drilling into the pussy of the woman, accompanied by two more dicks fitting into her ass as she choked on the horse cock. You don't really know where to put the orc dick, but you eventually make it look like it is about to join the spiraling cock.

Neither of your friends notice, or anyone else in class for that matter. Hamlet is having the "to be or not to be" monologue, which is a guaranteed essay question. You decide it's best to:

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Health 100 Equipment:

Skate Board, Backpack and Notebook, Brown Windbreaker

Status Horny
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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